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A Gravel Ride Through History

A gravel cycling route starting from Bar-le-Duc

Discover the Rich History of Lorraine on This Scenic Gravel Route


Experience the historical heritage of Lorraine on this captivating 34km gravel route with 339m of ascent. From ancient landmarks to charming villages, this ride will transport you back in time while providing a thrilling cycling adventure. Prepare to create unforgettable memories along this remarkable journey.

34 km
339 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Bar-le-Duc City center
Bar-le-Duc: Tranquil cycling in Lorraine's heart
Bar-le-Duc is a middle-ranking cycling locality in Lorraine, France. The region offers decent cycling opportunities, with a mix of flat and hilly terrain suitable for road and gravel cyclists. While Bar-le-Duc may lack famous cycling spots or well-known climbs, its rural landscapes and peaceful roads make for enjoyable rides. The locality is also known for its historical sites, including the stunning Saint-Etienne Church and the Renaissance-style Town Hall. Cyclists visiting Bar-le-Duc can combine their love for cycling with a touch of cultural exploration.
Vavincourt welcomes riders with its historic charm and offers delightful sights of stunning architecture enveloped in lush greenery.
Érize-Saint-Dizier will captivate explorers with its medieval castle ruins and picturesque village setting.
Château de MarbeaumontCastle
Explore the magnificent Renaissance fortress, Château de Marbeaumont, and admire its imposing architecture.
Finish: Bar-le-Duc City center
Bar-le-Duc: Tranquil cycling in Lorraine's heart

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