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Roads of Legends: Exploring Lorraine

A road cycling route starting from Sarrebourg

Embark on a journey to discover the legendary roads of Lorraine


Explore the impressive landscapes of Lorraine and pedal on the roads of legends. This route offers a challenge for road cyclists along with breathtaking views and cultural highlights. Prepare to be captivated by the beauty of the region and its rich historical background.

129 km
1496 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Sarrebourg City center
Sarrebourg: Serene countryside routes for leisurely rides
Sarrebourg, located in the Lorraine region of France, provides decent cycling opportunities. The locality is surrounded by rolling hills and serene countryside, offering pleasant routes for road and gravel cyclists. While it might not offer famous cycling spots or climbs, Sarrebourg still allows for enjoyable rides through its picturesque surroundings. With its favorable environment for cycling, Sarrebourg receives a cycling rank of 3.
Réding, a serene village, is a great stop to immerse yourself in the peaceful atmosphere of the countryside.
Pfalzweyer, an idyllic hamlet, greets you with its charming timber-framed houses and inviting quaintness.
Wolfskopf318 mPeak
Wolfskopf, a notable hilltop, treats you to panoramic vistas of the rolling landscapes and lush forests of the area.
Printzheim, a historic village, showcases traditional Alsatian architecture and stunning flower displays.
Donnenheim invites you to discover its rich past and its well-preserved architecture, including its impressive church.
Marlenheim, known for its vineyards and wine heritage, offers a delightful gastronomic experience with local wine tastings.
Marlenberg369 mPeak
Marlenberg Castle, a medieval fortress, stands proudly atop a hill, allowing cyclists to enjoy a glimpse of history and a panoramic view.
Obersteigen, a picturesque village nestled in the heart of nature, rewards with tranquility and beautiful scenery.
Schlosskopf623 mPeak
Schlosskopf, a challenging climb, unveils magnificent landscapes, dense forests, and valleys as a rewarding summit.
Haselbourg, perched on a steep slope, is home to the imposing Saint-Jean Chapel and provides stunning vistas of the region.
Buhl-Lorraine, surrounded by rolling hills and postcard-like landscapes, invites you to explore its charming streets and rich heritage.
Finish: Sarrebourg City center
Sarrebourg: Serene countryside routes for leisurely rides

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