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Anor and Serene Sceneries

A road cycling route starting from Anor

Immerse yourself in the tranquility of rural Anor with this 45 km road cycling route, featuring breathtaking vistas and peaceful villages.


With a moderate ascent of 430 meters, this route appeals to well-trained amateurs looking for a scenic and rewarding challenge. Along the way, you'll encounter these lovely highlights:

45 km
430 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Anor Village center
Anor: Exploring the forests and joining famous cycling events in Anor
Anor, nestled in the Nord-Pas de Calais region of France, offers a mix of cycling opportunities for road and gravel cyclists. The town is surrounded by lush forests and rolling hills, making it an ideal destination for off-road adventures. Cyclists can explore the surrounding nature reserves and enjoy the tranquility of the countryside. Anor is also in close proximity to the famous 'Les Folies Show', which is a popular cycling event attracting participants from all over the world. With its natural beauty and cycling events, Anor is an excellent choice for adventurous cyclists.
Mondrepuis, just 5 km from the start, is a quaint village offering idyllic views of rolling hills and the charming Chapelle Saint-Médard.
Located at 11 km, Ohis is home to a hidden gem called "Le marais des Gaulois", a tranquil marshland usually enveloped in mist.
Sommeron, at 29 km, is a captivating village surrounded by picturesque landscapes, perfect for a leisurely stroll.
Anor serves as both the starting and ending point, inviting you to explore its historic streets and unwind at its charming cafes.
Finish: Anor Village center
Anor: Exploring the forests and joining famous cycling events in Anor

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