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The Countryside Tour

A road cycling route starting from Steenwerck

Discover the charming countryside and rolling hills on this scenic road cycling route near Steenwerck


Embark on a journey through the beautiful countryside near Steenwerck on this road cycling route. With a total ascent of 259 meters and a distance of 74 kilometers, this route is suitable for intermediate cyclists. Highlights along the way include Steenwerck, Neuf-Berquin, Hondeghem, Winnezeele, Mont Kokereel, Berthen, and Mont de Lille. Experience the peacefulness of the countryside as you pedal through picturesque landscapes. The difficulty rating for this route is 3, making it ideal for cyclists looking for a moderate challenge. The epicness rating is 3, as the route offers a mix of scenic beauty and small villages with hidden gems.

74 km
259 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Steenwerck Village center
Steenwerck: Calming road and gravel cycling in tranquil Steenwerck.
Steenwerck is a peaceful village situated in the Nord-Pas de Calais region of France. From a cyclist's perspective, it offers pleasant road and gravel cycling routes through the surrounding countryside. The terrain is mostly flat, making it suitable for leisurely rides or casual cyclists. Although there are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs directly in Steenwerck, nearby towns like Béthune offer more challenging terrain for avid cyclists. If you're looking for a calm and scenic cycling experience, Steenwerck is a great choice.
Steenwerck is a charming town with a rich history. Explore the winding streets and visit the local market, where you can find fresh produce and local crafts.
Neuf-Berquin is a small village known for its beautiful gardens. Take a moment to wander through the lush greenery and admire the colorful flowers.
Hondeghem offers a peaceful and idyllic setting. Cycle along tree-lined paths and take in the serene atmosphere.
Winnezeele is a quaint village with a traditional Flemish character. Stop by the local bakery and indulge in freshly baked pastries.
Mont Kokereel110 mPeak
Mont Kokereel is a small hill with panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Take a detour and enjoy the stunning vistas.
Berthen is a picturesque village with traditional architecture. Wander through the narrow streets and admire the well-preserved buildings.
Mont de Lille43 mPeak
Mont de Lille offers a challenging climb and rewarding views at the top. Test your cycling skills as you conquer this iconic hill.
Finish: Steenwerck Village center
Steenwerck: Calming road and gravel cycling in tranquil Steenwerck.

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