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Medieval Wonders

A road cycling route starting from Fegreac

Discover the medieval wonders of Pays de la Loire on a cycling tour


Embark on a cycling tour across the medieval wonders of Pays de la Loire on this 99-kilometer journey. With an ascent of 903 meters, this route promises both stunning landscapes and a moderate challenge suitable for experienced cyclists. Explore the charming village of Théhillac with its medieval architecture and peaceful atmosphere. Continue the journey to the historic town of Saint-Jacut-les-Pins and enjoy the rural beauty surrounding the village. Visit the scenic village of Saint-Martin-sur-Oust and discover its rich heritage. Cycle through the picturesque town of Carentoir and immerse yourself in the medieval ambiance. Conclude your tour in the captivating village of Sixt-sur-Aff, known for its well-preserved medieval structures. Finally, return to Fégréac, where you can relax and indulge in the local culture.

99 km
903 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Fégréac Village center
Fégréac: Cycling heaven in Pays de la Loire
Fégréac, situated in the Pays de la Loire region of France, is a charming locality for both road and gravel cyclists. The area offers a diverse range of cycling routes, including the renowned 'La Loire à Vélo' route, which runs through Fégréac. In addition, the nearby Guipel River provides an idyllic backdrop for leisurely rides. Overall, Fégréac is a cyclist's paradise, earning a ranking of 5 out of 5.
Théhillac - Experience the enchanting medieval architecture and peaceful ambiance of this charming village.
Saint-Jacut-les-Pins - Explore the rustic beauty and rich history of this authentic town.
Saint-Martin-sur-Oust - Discover the picturesque landscapes and historical attractions of this charming village.
Carentoir - Witness the intriguing remnants of medieval history, including fortified towers and old churches.
Sixt-sur-Aff - Immerse yourself in the medieval charm and explore the well-preserved historic structures.
Fégréac - Return to Fégréac and celebrate the end of your tour in this lively town with its vibrant cultural scene.
Finish: Fégréac Village center
Fégréac: Cycling heaven in Pays de la Loire

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