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Picardie Road Discoveries

A road cycling route starting from Saint-Michel

Immerse yourself in the beauty of Picardie on this scenic road cycling route.


Experience the best of Picardie on this 104-kilometer road cycling route that showcases the region's stunning landscapes and charming villages. With a challenging ascent of 1095 meters, this route is perfect for experienced road cyclists seeking adventure. Enjoy breathtaking views, immerse yourself in local culture, and discover the hidden gems of Picardie.

104 km
1095 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Saint-Michel Village center
Saint-Michel: Discover the charm of cycling through peaceful countryside in Saint-Michel, France.
Saint-Michel is a charming locality situated in the Picardie region of France, providing a delightful experience for road and gravel cyclists. The area is known for its picturesque countryside scenery, quaint villages, and peaceful country roads. This makes it an ideal destination for leisurely rides and enjoying the tranquility of the surroundings. Additionally, Saint-Michel is positioned near other cycling-friendly areas in Picardie, allowing riders to explore a variety of routes and landscapes. While it may not offer any well-known cycling spots or legendary climbs, Saint-Michel provides a serene setting for cyclists seeking calm and scenic rides.
Signy-le-Petit, at the 15-kilometer mark, is a quaint village blessed with beautiful architecture and surrounded by rolling hills.
Auvillers-les-Forges, located 23 kilometers into the route, boasts charming streets, historic buildings, and a vibrant local atmosphere.
At 46 kilometers, you'll reach Signy-l'Abbaye, a charming village where you can visit a medieval abbey and soak in the peaceful ambiance.
Grandchamp, located at 54 kilometers into the route, offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and a chance to explore its rich history.
Mont Châtillon230 mPeak
Mont Châtillon, a challenging climb at 69 kilometers, rewards cyclists with panoramic views and a true sense of accomplishment.
Brunehamel, at 83 kilometers, is home to a beautiful church and serves as a great spot to take a break and admire the scenery.
Beaumé, located at 92 kilometers, is a picturesque village with charming streets and historic buildings.
Saint-Michel, the end point of this route at 104 kilometers, is a town rich in history and offers plenty of amenities for weary cyclists.
Finish: Saint-Michel Village center
Saint-Michel: Discover the charm of cycling through peaceful countryside in Saint-Michel, France.

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