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Coastal Exploration: Bourcefranc-le-Chapus to Dolus-d'Oléron

A road cycling route starting from Arvert

Discover the stunning coastal landscapes of Oléron Island


The Coastal Exploration from Bourcefranc-le-Chapus to Dolus-d'Oléron takes you on a breathtaking journey along the picturesque coastline of Oléron Island. With a distance of 65 km and an ascent of 62 meters, this road route is suitable for cyclists of all levels. Highlights of the route include the charming town of Bourcefranc-le-Chapus, the stunning coastal views of the port channel, the historic Le Château-d'Oléron, and the impressive Château de la Gataudière.

65 km
62 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Arvert Village center
Arvert: Embark on scenic coastal rides and tackle famous climbs in Arvert.
Arvert is a delightful locality situated in the Poitou-Charentes region of France. As a road or gravel cyclist, you will find Arvert to be a haven for exploration and adventure. The area boasts beautiful coastal routes with stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean, providing a refreshing experience for riders. Arvert is also known for its proximity to iconic cycling destinations such as Île d'Oléron and La Côte Sauvage, which are magnets for cyclists looking to challenge themselves on well-known climbs. Whether you prefer coastal rides or conquering famous ascents, Arvert has something to offer for every cyclist.
Bourcefranc-le-Chapus is a quaint town known for its oyster farms and beautiful coastal scenery. Explore the local shops and enjoy a meal of freshly caught seafood.
View to the port channelViewpoint
Enjoy panoramic views of the port channel as you cycle along the coastal path. Admire the boats and take in the beauty of the surrounding nature.
Le Château-d'OléronVillage
Le Château-d'Oléron is a historic town with a rich heritage. Visit the impressive fortifications and enjoy panoramic views of the ocean from the top.
Dolus-d'Oléron is a charming village with beautiful sandy beaches. Take a break and relax by the sea, or explore the local markets and traditional shops.
Château de la GataudièreCastle
Château de la Gataudière is a hidden gem located amidst lush greenery. Discover the beautiful gardens and enjoy a peaceful stroll in this idyllic setting.
Finish: Arvert Village center
Arvert: Embark on scenic coastal rides and tackle famous climbs in Arvert.

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