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Gravel Adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Saint-Agnant

Explore off-road routes and enjoy the thrill of gravel cycling


Embark on a thrilling off-road adventure with this 43-kilometer gravel cycling route. Experience the joy of cycling on gravel paths through rural landscapes and charming villages. With a moderate ascent of 91 meters, this route is suitable for intermediate cyclists with some off-road experience. Highlights of this adventurous route include La Gripperie-Saint-Symphorien (8 km), a tranquil seaside town with sandy beaches and stunning coastal views; Nieulle-sur-Seudre (18 km), known for its oyster farms and picturesque harbors; Thoriat (26 km), a charming village surrounded by marshes and nature reserves; and Bellevue (39 km), offering panoramic vistas of rolling hills and vineyards. Get ready to have an adrenaline-filled cycling experience like no other.

43 km
91 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Saint-Agnant Village center
Saint-Agnant: Cycle through the peaceful countryside of Saint-Agnant.
Saint-Agnant is a charming town located in the Poitou-Charentes region of France. From a cyclist's perspective, Saint-Agnant offers pleasant cycling routes with its serene countryside and peaceful atmosphere. The town is surrounded by scenic roads that are suitable for road cycling. Saint-Agnant is also a short distance from La Rochelle, an iconic cycling destination. Whether you're a road cyclist or prefer gravel paths, Saint-Agnant provides a tranquil and enjoyable cycling experience.
La Gripperie-Saint-SymphorienVillage
La Gripperie-Saint-Symphorien is a peaceful seaside town with sandy beaches and breathtaking coastal views. Take a moment to relax by the sea and enjoy the beauty of the surroundings.
Nieulle-sur-Seudre is famous for its thriving oyster farms and picturesque harbors. Stop by one of the local seafood restaurants to savor exquisite fresh oysters.
Explore the charming village of Thoriat, surrounded by marshes and nature reserves. Enjoy the tranquility of the countryside and soak in the scenic beauty.
Bellevue offers unparalleled panoramic vistas of rolling hills, vineyards, and idyllic countryside. Take a moment to appreciate the breathtaking views and capture memorable photographs.
Finish: Saint-Agnant Village center
Saint-Agnant: Cycle through the peaceful countryside of Saint-Agnant.

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