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Kladow - Potsdam - Werder (Havel) - Kladow

A road cycling route starting from Kladow

Explore the beautiful lakes of Sacrower See, Beetzseeheide, and Groß Kreutz (Havel) on this scenic cycling route.


This round-trip cycling route starting near Kladow takes you through picturesque landscapes, charming towns, and stunning lakes. You'll have the opportunity to visit Potsdam, known for its historic palaces and gardens, and Werder (Havel), famous for its fruit orchards and vineyards. The route is relatively moderate in difficulty, making it suitable for well-trained amateurs. The epicness rating is given a solid 3, as the highlights along the way add to the overall picturesque experience. From the idyllic Sacrower See to the charming town of Werder (Havel), each highlight brings its own unique charm.

121 km
389 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Kladow: Cycling adventures in Kladow, Berlin.
Kladow is a locality located in Berlin, Germany. While it may not offer the same level of scenic beauty as some other destinations, it is still a great place for road and gravel cyclists. Kladow is known for its well-maintained cycling paths and infrastructure, offering a safe and enjoyable experience for riders. The locality is also close to the Wannsee, a popular recreation area with opportunities for cycling and water activities. Cyclists visiting Kladow can also explore nearby Grunewald Forest, which offers picturesque trails and paths. Overall, Kladow is a convenient and cyclist-friendly destination in the bustling city of Berlin.
Sacrower SeeLake
Located along the route, Sacrower See is a tranquil lake surrounded by lush greenery. It offers a peaceful refuge from the bustling city and provides stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.
Potsdam, a highlight during this cycling route, is renowned for its historic palaces and gardens. Explore attractions like Sanssouci Palace and the Dutch Quarter, and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of the city.
Werder (Havel)Town
Werder (Havel) is a charming town famous for its fruit orchards and vineyards. Take a break from your ride to visit one of the local wineries and taste delicious regional wines.
Fuchsberg offers scenic views of the surrounding countryside with rolling hills and picturesque landscapes. Catch your breath here and enjoy the beauty of the region.
Groß Kreutz (Havel)Village
Groß Kreutz (Havel) is a cozy town located on the banks of the Havel river. Discover its historic buildings and enjoy a leisurely stroll along the waterfront.
Steinberg37 mPeak
Steinberg is a small village known for its rural charm. As you pass through, you will be able to experience the tranquility of the countryside.
Beetzseeheide is a scenic region characterized by its beautiful lake and lush forests. Stop by to take in the natural beauty and enjoy some peaceful moments.
Mosesberg62 mPeak
Mosesberg is a hill offering panoramic views of the surrounding areas. Take a short detour to enjoy the breathtaking vistas and snap some memorable photos.
Päwesin is a small village nestled amidst idyllic landscapes. While it may not be a major highlight, its charm lies in its simplicity and tranquility.
Thyrowberg57 mPeak
Thyrowberg is a hill that provides sweeping views of the surrounding countryside. Take a moment to appreciate the scenic beauty and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
Nordheide is a nature reserve known for its diverse flora and fauna. Cycle through this picturesque area, surrounded by untouched nature.
Dallgow-Döberitz is a small town located on the outskirts of Berlin. Explore its historic center and discover charming buildings dating back centuries.
Kladow, the starting point of this round-trip cycling route, is located on the shores of the Wannsee lake. Enjoy its tranquil atmosphere and savor the beautiful views of the water.
Finish: Locality center
Kladow: Cycling adventures in Kladow, Berlin.

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