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Exploring the Gravel Roads of Erzgebirge

A gravel cycling route starting from Eibenstock

Embark on an exhilarating gravel adventure through the rugged terrain of the Erzgebirge Mountains, starting from Eibenstock


Experience the thrill of off-road cycling through the breathtaking landscapes of the Erzgebirge Mountains. This 62-kilometer gravel route offers a mix of challenging climbs, scenic views, and unique highlights along the way. With an ascent of 1703 meters, this ride is perfect for gravel enthusiasts looking for an exhilarating adventure. Explore the untamed beauty of the Erzgebirge Mountains as you conquer this epic gravel route.

62 km
1703 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Eibenstock City center
Eibenstock: Conquering the legendary Steinbergring climb in Eibenstock
Eibenstock in Chemnitz, Germany, provides a thrilling experience for both road and gravel cyclists. The town is surrounded by picturesque forests and meandering trails, offering endless exploration opportunities. Keen cyclists can test their skills on the famous climb of Steinbergring, known for its gradient and challenging terrain. Eibenstock also showcases its historical charm and offers a peaceful retreat for tourists visiting the region.
Dürrer Berg643 mPeak
Dürrer Berg is a must-visit for gravel cyclists. Climb to its summit to enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and forests.
Bockau is a picturesque village that serves as a gateway to the Erzgebirge Mountains. Take a moment to soak in the tranquility of this charming town.
Rockelmann581 mPeak
Rockelmann is a historic village that offers a glimpse into the region's mining past. Ride through its narrow streets and experience its unique atmosphere.
Pöhla is a small town known for its mining heritage. Discover its historic landmarks and immerse yourself in the local culture.
Ehrenzipfel is a scenic viewpoint that offers breathtaking vistas of the surrounding landscapes. Take a moment to capture the beauty of the Erzgebirge Mountains from this elevated spot.
Fritzschberg854 mPeak
Fritzschberg is a traditional village that showcases the region's architectural heritage. Explore its well-preserved buildings and admire their unique craftsmanship.
Potůčky is a border town between Germany and the Czech Republic. Immerse yourself in its blend of traditions and explore the local shops and cafes.
Fastenberg891 mPeak
Fastenberg is a hilltop village that offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. Take a break and enjoy the tranquility of this scenic spot.
Gruppen von GranitfelsenAttraction
Gruppen von Granitfelsen is a collection of granite rock formations that dot the route. Admire their unique shapes and discover the geological wonders of the region.
Buckerberg735 mPeak
Buckerberg is a hill with a rich mining history. Explore the remnants of its past and enjoy the beautiful views from its summit.
Finish: Eibenstock City center
Eibenstock: Conquering the legendary Steinbergring climb in Eibenstock

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