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Scenic Gravel Loop near Kurort Oberwiesenthal

A gravel cycling route starting from Kurort Oberwiesenthal

Explore beautiful landscapes on this scenic gravel loop near Kurort Oberwiesenthal.


Embark on a scenic gravel loop near Kurort Oberwiesenthal, covering a total distance of 49 kilometers and a challenging ascent of 1036 meters. This route offers stunning views and showcases the natural beauty of the region. Starting from Kurort Oberwiesenthal, you'll be surrounded by breathtaking landscapes as you make your way through the route. Highlights along the way include Hubertky, Tellerhäuser, Knochen, Raschau, and Taufichtig. Hubertky is a small village located amidst picturesque mountains, providing a great vantage point to admire the surrounding beauty. Tellerhäuser is another notable highlight, known for its tranquil atmosphere and charming cottages. As you cycle through the route, you'll also come across Knochen, an area boasting unique rock formations rich in historical and geological significance. Raschau offers stunning views and serves as a wonderful rest stop during the ride. Lastly, Taufichtig provides a serene ambiance with mesmerizing views of the countryside. Overall, this route offers a mix of challenging terrain, scenic views, and interesting highlights that make it a fantastic choice for gravel enthusiasts.

49 km
1036 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Kurort Oberwiesenthal City center
Kurort Oberwiesenthal: Conquer Fichtelberg and explore the Ore Mountains by bike
Kurort Oberwiesenthal is a popular destination in the Chemnitz region of Germany, known for its excellent cycling opportunities. The locality offers a range of road and gravel routes with varying difficulty levels, catering to both casual and experienced cyclists. One highlight is the climb to Fichtelberg, the highest peak in Saxony, which provides a challenging test for road cyclists. Additionally, the Ore Mountains offer scenic gravel trails for those seeking an off-road adventure. With its beautiful landscapes and cycling-friendly atmosphere, Kurort Oberwiesenthal is a must-visit for cycling enthusiasts.
Hubertky1032 mPeak
Hubertky is a small village located amidst picturesque mountains, providing a great vantage point to admire the surrounding beauty.
Tellerhäuser is known for its tranquil atmosphere and charming cottages, offering a peaceful stop along the ride.
Knochen551 mPeak
Knochen boasts unique rock formations and rich historical and geological significance.
Raschau offers stunning views and serves as a wonderful rest stop during the ride.
Taufichtig1002 mPeak
Taufichtig provides a serene ambiance with mesmerizing views of the countryside.
Zschopauquellhütte is a popular rest stop offering refreshments and a tranquil atmosphere.
Finish: Kurort Oberwiesenthal City center
Kurort Oberwiesenthal: Conquer Fichtelberg and explore the Ore Mountains by bike

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