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Bretnig and Tauscha Gravel Cycling Journey

A gravel cycling route starting from Hauswalde

Embark on a picturesque gravel cycling journey featuring Bretnig and Tauscha.


Immerse yourself in the enchantment of this picturesque 98-kilometer gravel cycling route. With a moderate ascent of 836 meters, this journey is perfect for cyclists seeking a challenging yet rewarding experience. Explore historic sites, lush forests, and capture unforgettable moments across various highlights along the way.

98 km
836 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Hauswalde: Discover the diverse cycling routes and iconic climbs of Hauswalde near Dresden.
Hauswalde is a small locality located near Dresden in Germany. From a cyclist's perspective, Hauswalde offers diverse cycling routes suitable for both road and gravel cycling. The region is known for its well-maintained roads and picturesque countryside, providing cyclists with a variety of scenic routes to explore. One of the famous cycling spots nearby is the Elbe River Trail, a popular route that stretches along the Elbe River and offers beautiful views of the surrounding landscape. Hauswalde is also close to the iconic climb of Bärensteine, which presents a challenging ascent for experienced cyclists. Overall, Hauswalde is a cyclist-friendly area with plenty of options for scenic rides and challenging climbs.
Bretnig offers a thrilling cycling experience with its demanding ascents, breathtaking descents, and stunning vistas at every turn.
Haselberg304 mPeak
Conquer Haselberg and revel in the magnificent views it provides, making the challenging climb worth the effort.
Kieferberg276 mPeak
Challenge yourself on the slopes of Kieferberg, where steep gravel trails test your skills and reward you with scenic landscapes.
Hütte SauerbuschShelter
Hütte Sauerbusch offers a serene break surrounded by the beauty of nature, providing a peaceful respite along the journey.
Schafhübel173 mPeak
Schafhübel treats cyclists to panoramic views of rolling hills, picturesque valleys, and charming rural landscapes.
Bärwalde captivates with its peaceful ambiance, quaint architecture, and rustic charm.
Tauscha delights visitors with its enchanting forests, idyllic landscapes, and a sense of tranquility.
Laußnitz offers a memorable journey through its picturesque surroundings, rural architecture, and rich cultural heritage.
Vogelberg294 mPeak
Vogelberg provides a thrilling off-road adventure through dense woods, offering exhilarating descents and marvelous vistas.
Schwedenstein420 mPeak
Schwedenstein fascinates with its rugged charm, panoramic views, and the intriguing history behind this natural rock formation.
Discover the enchanting Luchsenburg, a historical fortress nestled amidst picturesque landscapes that captivates visitors with its architectural grandeur.
Finish: Locality center
Hauswalde: Discover the diverse cycling routes and iconic climbs of Hauswalde near Dresden.

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