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Steina - Roundtrip to Königsbrück

A road cycling route starting from Steina

Discover the beauty of the region on this road cycling route from Steina to Königsbrück


Experience the beauty of the region on this 65-kilometer road cycling route starting near Steina. With a total ascent of 593 meters, this route offers a mix of gentle climbs and enjoyable descents. Take in the picturesque landscapes and explore the charming villages along the way, including Pulsnitz and Königsbrück. Don't miss the highlight of the route, the iconic Schwedenstein, a towering rock formation that offers breathtaking views. Suitable for well-trained amateurs, this route is a great option for cyclists looking for a scenic and rewarding ride.

65 km
593 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Steina Village center
Steina: Cycling Paradise in Dresden
Steina is a locality in Dresden, Germany. It provides a range of road and gravel cycling routes suitable for both recreational and experienced cyclists. The region offers diverse landscapes with picturesque countryside views, making it an enjoyable destination for riders. Additionally, nearby well-known climbs like Geisingberg and Platkowitz attract more experienced cyclists seeking a challenging ascent. With its varied terrain and beautiful scenery, Steina is a recommended locality for cyclists looking to explore the region.
Pulsnitz is a historic town with charming architecture and a vibrant atmosphere. Take a break here and explore the local shops and cafes.
Schmalzberg241 mPeak
Schmalzberg is a scenic hill with beautiful views of the surrounding countryside. Enjoy the tranquility of nature and marvel at the panoramic vistas.
Laußnitz is a picturesque village known for its rolling hills and rural charm. Slow down and soak in the peaceful atmosphere as you pass by.
Vorwerkberg205 mPeak
Vorwerkberg offers stunning views of the region, including the nearby lakes and forests. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the landscape from this vantage point.
Königsbrück is a charming town with splendid architecture and a rich history. Explore its attractions and immerse yourself in the local culture.
Der Lindenberg211 mPeak
Der Lindenberg is a small hill that offers beautiful views of the surrounding nature. Take a short detour to enjoy the serenity of this scenic spot.
Lerchenberg248 mPeak
Lerchenberg is a lush green area perfect for a short break. Sit back and relax in the midst of nature while enjoying the fresh air.
Haselbachtal is a peaceful valley surrounded by rolling hills and forests. Take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty of the area.
Gickelsberg is a small hill with scenic views of the countryside. Cycle to the top and enjoy the tranquility of this serene location.
Schwedenstein420 mPeak
Schwedenstein is an iconic rock formation that offers breathtaking panoramic views. Enjoy the majestic beauty of the landscape from this unique vantage point.
Finish: Steina Village center
Steina: Cycling Paradise in Dresden

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