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Alpen Gravel Route

A gravel cycling route starting from Alpen

45km adventurous gravel ride through Alpen


This 45km gravel route in Alpen takes you on an adventurous journey through scenic landscapes, including Kamp-Lintfort and Saelhuyser Berg. With a moderate ascent of 107m, it offers a great mix of nature and challenging terrain. Suitable for well-trained amateurs with a moderate difficulty level of 3, this route is perfect for those who seek an off-road cycling experience.

45 km
107 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Drüpt Village center
Alpen: Explore the diverse cycling routes of Alpen, from flat roads to gentle hills.
Alpen is a town situated in the Düsseldorf region of Germany. It offers a mix of flat roads and rolling hills for cyclists to enjoy. Notable cycling spots include the Schaffrathberg climb and the Niederberg area. While Alpen may not offer legendary climbs, it provides a variety of routes for cyclists of all levels.
As you cycle through Kamp-Lintfort, you'll witness the historic landmarks and serene atmosphere, making it a worthwhile stop.
Saelhuyser Berg78 mPeak
Saelhuyser Berg offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and a thrilling downhill ride.
Passing through Rheurdt, you'll be amazed by the beautiful landscapes and charming architecture of this town.
Alpen itself is a highlight of this route, with its vibrant culture, friendly locals, and delicious local cuisine.
Finish: Drüpt Village center
Alpen: Explore the diverse cycling routes of Alpen, from flat roads to gentle hills.

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