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Gravel Adventure in Oberaula

A gravel cycling route starting from Oberaula

Embark on a thrilling gravel adventure near Oberaula


Discover the picturesque landscapes and charming villages surrounding Oberaula on this challenging 94-kilometer gravel route. With a total ascent of 1,756 meters, you'll experience a mix of rolling hills, exhilarating descents, and stunning mountain vistas. This route promises to satisfy even the most adventurous and well-trained riders, offering a unique and exciting cycling experience in the heart of Germany.

94 km
1756 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Oberaula Village center
Oberaula: Experience thrilling climbs and stunning views in Oberaula.
Oberaula, located in Kassel, in the northern region of Germany, is a fantastic destination for road and gravel cyclists. The locality boasts a rich selection of cycling routes that cater to all skill levels, from beginners to experienced riders. The surrounding area offers picturesque views and challenging terrains, making it a haven for cycling enthusiasts seeking a thrilling adventure. One of the notable features of Oberaula is the presence of legendary climbing spots such as Hoheiche and Niedergude. These famous climbs attract cyclists from far and wide, adding to the area's reputation as a popular cycling destination. Cyclists visiting Oberaula can expect to be enchanted by its natural beauty and rewarded with unforgettable rides.
Steinberg367 mPeak
Stop at Steinberg, an ancient volcanic peak known for its breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Marvel at the geological wonders that shaped this region and take a moment to appreciate the sheer beauty of nature.
Pass through Niederaula, a picturesque village with a rich history dating back centuries. Admire its idyllic architecture and charming streets, and perhaps take a break at one of the local cafes for a taste of traditional German cuisine.
Visit Sonnenuhr, a stunningly preserved sundial dating back to the 18th century. This historical landmark not only tells the time but also serves as a testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of past eras.
Explore the town of Hünfeld, known for its beautiful baroque-style architecture. Marvel at the intricate details adorning the buildings and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of this charming German town.
Rotkopf410 mPeak
Ascend the Rotkopf, a scenic hill offering commanding views of the surrounding valleys and forests. Feel the adrenaline rush as you conquer its challenging slopes and reward yourself with a breathtaking vista at the top.
Pass through Üllershausen, a quaint village nestled amidst rolling green fields and serene countryside. Take a moment to soak in the peaceful atmosphere and appreciate the simple beauty of rural Germany.
Wolfers-Berg447 mPeak
Reach the pinnacle of Wolfers-Berg, a magnificent mountain peak offering panoramic vistas that stretch as far as the eye can see. Feel the sense of accomplishment as you conquer this impressive natural landmark.
Breitenbach am HerzbergVillage
Visit Breitenbach am Herzberg, a charming village dotted with traditional half-timbered houses. Immerse yourself in its timeless charm and explore the local shops and cafes for a true taste of rural German life.
Ibrakuppe487 mPeak
Pass through Ibrakuppe, a small hamlet characterized by its idyllic setting and charming farmhouses. Take a moment to breathe in the fresh country air and admire the picturesque beauty of this pastoral haven.
Schloss HausenCastle
Discover the grandeur of Schloss Hausen, an awe-inspiring castle steeped in history and surrounded by manicured gardens. Marvel at the architectural marvels of this centuries-old fortress and imagine the stories that echo within its walls.
Finish: Oberaula Village center
Oberaula: Experience thrilling climbs and stunning views in Oberaula.

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