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Hülfensberg Loop

A gravel cycling route starting from Wanfried

Explore the scenic Hülfensberg with its historic monastery.


This gravel route takes you on a 61 km journey that starts near Wanfried. The highlight of this route is the Hülfensberg, a hill with a historic monastery at the top. From there, you'll enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The route also features other interesting highlights such as the Geismar village and the Dieteröder Klippen.

61 km
1186 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Wanfried City center
Wanfried: Ride through the beautiful Werra Valley Cycle Path and discover historical landmarks in Wanfried.
Located in Kassel, Germany, Wanfried is a locality that offers cyclists a mix of rural and urban riding experiences. The region features a variety of well-paved roads perfect for road cycling. Cyclists can enjoy the lush green landscapes and ride through charming countryside villages. One notable cycling spot in the area is the Werra Valley Cycle Path, which provides a scenic route along the Werra River. Wanfried is an excellent destination for cyclists looking to explore both nature and historical landmarks, such as the Wanfried Castle. With its diverse cycling opportunities, Wanfried is a great choice for all types of cyclists.
Hülfensberg448 mPeak
The Hülfensberg is home to a historic monastery and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
Explore the picturesque Geismar village and discover its unique charm.
Dieteröder KlippenViewpoint
Visit the Dieteröder Klippen, a collection of unique rock formations carved by nature.
Experience the peacefulness of Kalteneber and enjoy the scenic landscapes.
Climb up to the Warteberg for breathtaking panoramic views of the region.
Pass through Heuthen, a small village known for its idyllic countryside setting.
Cycle through Effelder and admire its charming rural atmosphere.
Pass by Hildebrandshausen, a quaint village nestled in the beautiful countryside.
Konstein is a small village known for its quiet surroundings and natural beauty.
Finish: Wanfried City center
Wanfried: Ride through the beautiful Werra Valley Cycle Path and discover historical landmarks in Wanfried.

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