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Leisurely Ride: Scenic Delights

A road cycling route starting from Colditz

Discover the scenic delights of Colditz and its surrounding areas on this leisurely road cycling route


If you're looking for a leisurely ride with plenty of beautiful scenery, this road cycling route starting near Colditz offers just that. With a distance of 81 km and an ascent of 441 m, it is suitable for cyclists of all levels. Highlights of this route include the charming town of Tautenhain, the picturesque Espenhain, and the majestic Lausicker Berg. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the region and enjoy a relaxing ride along quiet country roads.

81 km
441 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Zollwitz Village center
Colditz: Scenic routes and historical landmarks in the Leipzig region of Germany.
Colditz is a captivating locality situated in the Leipzig region of Germany. From a cyclist's perspective, Colditz offers a mix of scenic routes and challenging climbs, suitable for both road and gravel biking. The town is surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, with rolling hills and picturesque valleys. Cyclists can explore the numerous cycling routes and paths in the area, enjoying the beauty of nature along the way. Colditz is also home to the famous Colditz Castle, which adds a historical touch to the locality. Overall, Colditz provides a great cycling experience with its combination of natural scenery and cultural landmarks.
Hungerberg210 mPeak
Hungerberg is a small hill with peaceful surroundings. Take a moment to appreciate the tranquility and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
Tautenhain is a charming village with delightful rural views. Cycle through this picturesque town and soak up the scenic beauty.
Zedtlitz is a historic village known for its well-preserved architecture. Take a detour and explore its charming streets.
Espenhain is a small town surrounded by picturesque countryside. Enjoy the beautiful views and tranquility of this idyllic spot.
Otterwisch is a delightful village with charming rural views. Take a leisurely ride through this idyllic location.
Lausicker Berg188 mPeak
Lausicker Berg is a stunning hill offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Enjoy the sense of accomplishment as you reach its peak.
Steinhübel223 mPeak
Steinhübel is a breathtaking natural formation with unique rock structures. Stop here to admire the beauty of nature.
Colditz is the starting and ending point of this route. Explore the town's rich history and medieval charm.
Finish: Zollwitz Village center
Colditz: Scenic routes and historical landmarks in the Leipzig region of Germany.

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