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Grimma Gravel Cycling Route

A gravel cycling route starting from Grossbothen

Embark on a thrilling gravel cycling adventure through Grimma and its scenic terrain


Explore the off-road wonders of the Grimma gravel cycling route, a 24-kilometer trail that takes riders through the unique landscapes surrounding Großbothen. With moderate difficulty and decent ascent, this route is perfect for gravel enthusiasts seeking an exhilarating outdoor experience. The route features a variety of highlights, including Grimma, Galgenberg, and Tannickenberg. Each of these locations offers fascinating attractions and magnificent views. The overall epicness rating of the Grimma route is a solid 4, showcasing its ability to provide riders with a truly memorable adventure.

24 km
205 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Großbothen Village center
Großbothen: Scenic countryside and quiet roads in the Leipzig region of Germany.
Großbothen is a tranquil town located in the Leipzig region of Germany. As a cyclist, Großbothen offers scenic countryside and quiet roads, making it a suitable destination for road and gravel biking. The town is nestled amidst picturesque landscapes, with rolling hills and fields stretching as far as the eye can see. Cyclists can explore the idyllic surroundings and enjoy the peaceful environment during their rides. For more adventurous cyclists, nearby Colditz offers famous cycling spots and challenging climbs. Overall, Großbothen provides a serene and pleasant cycling experience for riders looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.
Grimma is a charming town known for its well-preserved medieval buildings and picturesque Old Town.
Galgenberg143 mViewpoint
Galgenberg is a hill outside of Grimma that provides stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
Tannickenberg178 mPeak
Tannickenberg is a natural hill with beautiful birch trees and unique rock formations.
Kössern is a small village with a picturesque mill and a beautiful church that is worth exploring.
Finish: Großbothen Village center
Großbothen: Scenic countryside and quiet roads in the Leipzig region of Germany.

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