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Ostrau - Heideberg - Schönbach - Geldberg - Thierbach - Schloßberg - Threna

A gravel cycling route starting from Ostrau

Discover the charming countryside of Leipzig as you cycle through picturesque villages and explore historic landmarks.


This scenic route starting near Ostrau takes you through rolling hills and beautiful landscapes. You'll pass by the idyllic Heideberg with its stunning views, ride through the charming village of Schönbach, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of Geldberg. Along the way, don't miss the opportunity to visit Thierbach, known for its rich history and cultural heritage. As you continue your journey, make sure to stop at the impressive Schloßberg and Threna, with their unique architectural features. The route also includes Pöppelmannbrücke and Galgenberg, both offering excellent photo opportunities.

79 km
478 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Muschau Village center
Ostrau: Cycling through Leipzig's diverse landscapes
Ostrau, situated in Leipzig, Germany, is a lovely area to explore on a road or gravel bike. The locality features well-maintained roads and bike paths, making it ideal for cyclists of all skill levels. Ostrau offers a mix of urban and rural landscapes, allowing riders to enjoy the best of both worlds. While there are no famous cycling spots or legendary climbs in close proximity, the cycling-friendly infrastructure and scenic surroundings make Ostrau a great destination for cycling enthusiasts.
Heideberg197 mPeak
Heideberg, a hidden gem located along the route, offers panoramic views and an ideal spot for relaxation.
Schönbach is a charming village with beautiful half-timbered houses and a rich history dating back to the Middle Ages.
Geldberg195 mPeak
Geldberg is known for its tranquility and untouched natural beauty, making it a perfect spot to take a break and enjoy the surroundings.
Thierbach, a historic village, is home to several cultural landmarks, including a medieval castle and charming old town.
Schloßberg162 mPeak
Schloßberg, a hilltop fortress, offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside and a glimpse into the region's past.
Threna, an idyllic village, features traditional half-timbered houses and a peaceful atmosphere, perfect for a leisurely stroll.
Pöppelmannbrücke is a charming bridge with a unique architectural design, offering a great photo opportunity.
Galgenberg143 mViewpoint
Galgenberg, named after the historic gallows once located there, provides stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
Ziegelberg190 mPeak
Ziegelberg, located along the route, features historic brick houses and a peaceful atmosphere, perfect for a short break.
Leipnitz is a picturesque village known for its well-preserved half-timbered houses and charming rural scenery.
Finish: Muschau Village center
Ostrau: Cycling through Leipzig's diverse landscapes

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