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Bienenbüttel - Etzen - Evendorf - Kahlenberg - Luhmühlen - Osterberg - Grünhagen

A road cycling route starting from Bienenbuttel

Embark on a challenging road cycling adventure through varied terrain near Bienenbüttel.


Covering a distance of 92 kilometers, this road cycling route offers a diverse and challenging terrain near Bienenbüttel. With mtotal ascent of 444 meters, it is recommended for well-trained cyclists. Highlights along the way include the scenic village of Etzen, the picturesque surroundings of Evendorf, the ancient Kahlenberg castle ruins, the horse town of Luhmühlen, the idyllic Osterberg area, and the serene Grünhagen.

92 km
444 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Bienenbüttel City center
Bienenbüttel: Embark on a scenic cycling adventure in Bienenbüttel, Lüneburg
Bienenbüttel, situated in the Lüneburg district of Germany, offers a delightful cycling experience for road and gravel cyclists. The locality features well-equipped cycling paths that meander through picturesque landscapes, including forests, rivers, and charming villages. Bienenbüttel is a great starting point to explore the famous cycling destination of Lüneburg Heath, renowned for its heather-covered heathlands. Cyclists can enjoy a blend of flat and hilly terrains, catering to different skill levels. Additionally, Bienenbüttel's proximity to cultural attractions and historical sites adds an extra dimension to the cycling experience.
Etzen, with its traditional farmhouses and pleasant rural atmosphere, is a lovely place to stop and soak in the peaceful surroundings.
Evendorf, surrounded by rolling hills and charming countryside, offers postcard-worthy views at every turn.
Kahlenberg95 mPeak
Visit the ancient Kahlenberg castle ruins for a glimpse into the region's rich history and enjoy the stunning panoramic views.
Luhmühlen, famous for its equestrian events and beautiful natural landscapes, is a must-visit stop on this route.
Osterberg42 mPeak
At Osterberg, take a break and admire the idyllic surroundings, including picturesque farms and quaint cottages.
Grünhagen, with its charming village center and tranquil atmosphere, is a perfect spot to relax and refuel.
Finish: Bienenbüttel City center
Bienenbüttel: Embark on a scenic cycling adventure in Bienenbüttel, Lüneburg

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