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The Düshorn Discovery

A road cycling route starting from Buchholz

Embark on a cycling adventure to discover the hidden treasures of Düshorn and its surroundings.


The Düshorn Discovery is a 77-kilometer road cycling route that offers a mix of challenging climbs and breathtaking scenery near Buchholz. With an ascent of 270 meters, this route is recommended for well-trained amateur cyclists looking for a long-distance ride. Highlights along the way include Visselhövede, a small town with architectural beauty and historic charm. Uetzingen is another highlight, offering stunning natural surroundings and scenic landscapes. Düshorn itself is worth exploring for its charming streets and local attractions. Bierde, Sieverdingen, and Nindorf provide additional highlights, each with its own unique charm and attractions.

77 km
270 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Buchholz: Cycling through the scenic Lüneburg Heath and charming villages.
Buchholz is a locality located in Lüneburg, Germany. As a road and gravel cyclist, you will find plenty of opportunities to explore the beautiful countryside and rural roads in the area. The region offers a mix of flat routes and rolling hills, making it suitable for cyclists of different abilities. One of the highlights of cycling in Buchholz is the nearby Lüneburg Heath, a picturesque natural area known for its stunning landscapes and winding gravel paths. With its charming villages, well-maintained roads, and scenic views, Buchholz is a fantastic destination for both local cyclists and tourists alike.
Visselhövede is a hidden gem that impresses with its architectural beauty and historic charm. Explore the town's history and cultural heritage as you cycle through its streets.
Uetzingen is surrounded by idyllic landscapes and offers stunning views of the countryside. Immerse yourself in nature and enjoy the tranquility of this picturesque area.
Düshorn is a charming village with beautiful streets and local attractions. Take a break and explore the town's historic buildings and cultural landmarks.
Bierde is known for its rolling hills and challenging climbs, making it a perfect spot for cycling enthusiasts seeking a bit of extra adventure. Push your limits and conquer the uphill challenges.
Sieverdingen is a country-wide famous spot for cycling, known for its legendary climbs and challenging road sections. Test your skills and experience the adrenaline rush of conquering this cycling hotspot.
Nindorf offers picturesque landscapes and scenic routes for cyclists. Enjoy the beauty of the countryside as you pedal through its charming surroundings.
Finish: Locality center
Buchholz: Cycling through the scenic Lüneburg Heath and charming villages.

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