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Celle Circle of Highlights

A road cycling route starting from Celle

A scenic road cycling route with a variety of attractions


Experience the beauty of Lüneburg, Germany on this thrilling road cycling journey starting near Celle. With a total distance of 77 km and an ascent of 152 m, this route offers a perfect balance of challenging terrain and breathtaking landscapes. Enjoy the enchanting scenery as you pass through picturesque villages and lush green countryside. The route is suitable for well-trained amateurs looking for a moderately challenging ride.

77 km
152 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Celle City center
Celle: Experience the beauty of Lüneburg through fantastic road and gravel cycling in Celle.
Celle, located in Lüneburg, Germany, offers an excellent road and gravel cycling experience in a cyclist-friendly environment. The town features well-maintained roads and cycling infrastructure, making it an ideal base for exploring the surrounding areas. Cyclists can enjoy scenic rides through picturesque landscapes, including nearby nature reserves such as the Lüneburg Heath. While there are no specific famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs in Celle itself, the region offers a variety of routes catering to different skill levels. Overall, Celle is a great choice for both casual and avid cyclists looking to explore Germany's cycling trails.
Located in Ovelgönne, make a pit stop to explore the medieval Ovelgönne Castle, known for its impressive architecture and rich history.
Onto Ölberg, take a moment to appreciate the quaint charm of this traditional German village, with its stunning wooden-frame houses.
At Jeversen, discover the ancient Jeversen Church, known for its beautiful stained glass windows and Gothic architecture.
Ostenholz is home to one of the most iconic landmarks of the region, the breathtaking Ostenholzer Moor, which is a paradise for nature lovers.
Winsen (Aller)Town
In Winsen (Aller), take a break to explore Winsen Castle, a majestic Renaissance-style castle surrounded by expansive, landscaped gardens.
Lerchenberg46 mPeak
Riding through Lerchenberg, enjoy the panoramic views of the Lüneburg Heath, a stunning natural landscape dotted with heather and pine trees.
Complete your unforgettable journey in Celle, where you can visit the famed Celle Castle, a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture.
Finish: Celle City center
Celle: Experience the beauty of Lüneburg through fantastic road and gravel cycling in Celle.

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