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Nutteln Adventure Loop

A road cycling route starting from Feldstadt

Embark on an unforgettable road cycling adventure through Nutteln and discover hidden gems along the way.


The Nutteln Adventure Loop is a scenic road cycling route that offers a unique blend of stunning landscapes and cultural attractions. With a distance of 74 kilometers and an ascent of 439 meters, this route is suitable for experienced cyclists looking for a challenging ride. Nutteln, the starting point of this route, is known for its picturesque countryside and beautiful surroundings. Pinnower See, a highlight along the route, is a stunning lake that offers breathtaking views and opportunities for swimming and relaxation. Mueß, a scenic village, is worth a visit for its charming streets and natural beauty. Neues Gebaude, another highlight, is a historical building with fascinating architecture and heritage.

74 km
439 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Schwerin City center
Feldstadt: Discovering the urban and natural landscapes of Feldstadt by bike
Feldstadt is a locality situated in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. As a road or gravel cyclist, Feldstadt offers a mix of urban and natural landscapes to discover. The locality features well-maintained roads and cycling infrastructure, providing a cyclist-friendly environment. There are also various cycling routes and trails in the vicinity, allowing cyclists to appreciate the beauty of the region. While Feldstadt may not have any famous cycling-related spots or climbs nearby, it still offers an enjoyable and scenic cycling experience.
Nutteln is surrounded by picturesque landscapes and offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Pinnower SeeLake
Pinnower See is a scenic lake that invites visitors to relax, swim, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance.
Mueß is a picturesque village known for its charming architecture and peaceful atmosphere.
Neues GebäudeAttraction
Neues Gebaude is a historical building with fascinating architecture and a rich cultural heritage.
Finish: Schwerin City center
Feldstadt: Discovering the urban and natural landscapes of Feldstadt by bike

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