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Lankow - Düsterberg - Bützow - Groß Raden - Weitendorf - Crivitz - Mueß - Schlossblick

A road cycling route starting from Lankow

Explore the charming countryside of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, passing through historical sites and picturesque landscapes.


This round-trip cycling route starts in Lankow and takes you through scenic countryside and historic sites. The route includes highlights such as Düsterberg, a 40 km mark on the route that offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Further along the route, you'll reach Schloss Bützow, a beautiful castle with a rich history. After that, you'll pass through the quaint village of Groß Raden with its ancient Slavic castle hill. As you continue, you'll come across the charming village of Weitendorf known for its traditional thatched-roof houses. The route then takes you through Crivitz, where you can explore the town's historic buildings and quaint streets. Finally, you'll cycle through Mueß and enjoy a panoramic view of Schwerin Castle from Schlossblick.

131 km
770 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Locality center
Lankow: Cycling in the peaceful countryside of Lankow
Lankow is a small locality located in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. From a cyclist's perspective, Lankow offers a peaceful and picturesque environment for road and gravel cycling. The roads are well-maintained, making it convenient to explore the surrounding countryside. There are also several cycling routes and trails that showcase the natural beauty of the region. Although Lankow may not have any famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby, it provides an enjoyable and relaxing cycling experience.
Düsterberg59 mPeak
Düsterberg offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
Schloss BützowCastle
Explore the beautiful Schloss Bützow and learn about its fascinating history.
Groß RadenVillage
Visit Groß Raden and explore the ancient Slavic castle hill.
Pass through the charming village of Weitendorf known for its traditional thatched-roof houses.
Crivitz is a picturesque town with historic buildings and quaint streets.
Enjoy the view of Schwerin Castle from Mueß.
Get a stunning panoramic view of Schwerin Castle from Schlossblick.
Finish: Locality center
Lankow: Cycling in the peaceful countryside of Lankow

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