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Elbe-Saale gravel adventure

A gravel cycling route starting from Lostau

Experience the scenic countryside along the Elbe and Saale rivers in this thrilling gravel tour


Embark on a picturesque cycling journey through the Sachsen-Anhalt region of Germany, where you will explore the charming towns and beautiful landscapes surrounding Lostau. This 51-kilometer gravel route offers a moderate level of difficulty with 129 meters of ascent. With highlights such as the Rothensee Lock and the Alt-Lostau Rest Area, this ride promises a unique and rewarding adventure for gravel enthusiasts.

51 km
129 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Lostau Village center
Lostau: Cycling along the picturesque Elbe Cycle Path.
Lostau, located in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, offers flat and serene cycling routes suitable for leisurely rides. The locality is surrounded by picturesque countryside landscapes, providing cyclists with a peaceful and relaxing biking experience. Lostau is also home to the famous Elbe Cycle Path, a renowned cycling route that spans several countries. Cyclists visiting Lostau can explore this scenic path, which follows the banks of the Elbe River and passes through charming towns and historic landmarks.
Schleuse RothenseeViewpoint
Make a stop at the Schleuse Rothensee, an impressive 19th-century lock that connects the Mittelland Canal with the Elbe River.
Visit the village of Jersleben and discover its historical charm, including the St. Mauritius Church, which dates back to the 12th century.
Explore Colbitz, a charming town known for its half-timbered houses and the Colbitz-Letzlinger Heide nature reserve.
Stop by Zielitz and learn about its rich mining history, particularly its role in the production of potash.
Visit Glindenberg and admire its picturesque waterfront, lined with colorful houses and boats.
Rastplatz Alt-LostauShelter
Take a rest at the Alt-Lostau Rest Area and enjoy the peaceful surroundings before continuing your journey.
Finish: Lostau Village center
Lostau: Cycling along the picturesque Elbe Cycle Path.

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