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Zahna Discovery: Countryside Road Tour

A road cycling route starting from Zahna

Venture on this adventurous 112-kilometer road tour through the beautiful countryside surrounding Zahna.


With an ascent of 202 meters, this challenging road tour is best suited for experienced riders seeking a longer and more demanding excursion. Traverse through Naundorf bei Seyda, Oehna, Löben, Elster, Lebien, Raßdorf, and Zahna. Enjoy the peaceful serenity of rural Germany and immerse yourself in the picturesque views offered throughout the journey.

112 km
202 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Zahna Village center
Zahna: A Legendary Cycling Destiantion in Germany
Zehna, located in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, is a locality renowned for its legendary climbs and cycling scene. The region is home to several iconic climbs, including Fürstenberg/Havel, frequented by professional cyclists during race events. Zehna's picturesque landscapes and well-maintained cycling paths make it an ideal destination for road and gravel cyclists. The locality hosts various cycling events throughout the year, attracting cyclists from all over the world. Whether you want to conquer mountains or enjoy peaceful rides, Zehna offers incredible cycling opportunities.
Naundorf bei SeydaVillage
Naundorf bei Seyda is known for its idyllic landscape scenery, offering a refreshing escape from hectic city life.
Oehna boasts several well-preserved traditional farms—a testament to the region's agricultural heritage.
Löben, ElsterVillage
Löben, Elster offers a unique glimpse into historic architecture with its charming half-timbered houses and winding alleys.
Lebien rewards you with spectacular scenic views as you cycle among rolling hills and meandering rivers.
Raßdorf provides a sense of tranquility amidst the stunning countryside landscape—a perfect spot to rest before reaching Zahna.
Zahna awaits your return. Take time to explore the town's cultural sights and indulge in delicious local cuisine.
Finish: Zahna Village center
Zahna: A Legendary Cycling Destiantion in Germany

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