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The Scenic Road Adventure

A road cycling route starting from Zerbst

Embark on a 130km road adventure through picturesque landscapes near Zerbst


This road route takes you on a scenic adventure through the picturesque landscapes near Zerbst. With a total distance of 130km and an ascent of 249m, this route offers a challenging experience for well-trained amateurs. Explore the highlights along the way, including Nutha, an idyllic village with stunning views, and Hohenwarthe, a historic town that attracts visitors with its architectural wonders. With a difficulty rating of 4, this route provides a thrilling cycling experience. So get ready to immerse yourself in nature, history, and breathtaking scenery.

130 km
249 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Zerbst/Anhalt City center
Zerbst: Touchable history meets cycling adventure in Sachsen-Anhalt
Zerbst, situated in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, is a locality that provides a haven for road and gravel cyclists. The region offers a diverse range of cycling routes, from flat stretches to challenging climbs, perfect for all levels of riders. Cyclists can immerse themselves in the enchanting landscapes and cultural treasures that Zerbst has to offer. A notable cycling spot nearby is the Elberadweg, a popular long-distance cycle path along the picturesque Elbe River. Zerbst combines traditional charm with cycling friendliness, making it an ideal destination for cyclists.
Nutha is a charming village surrounded by beautiful nature and offers stunning views during the ride.
Pretzien is a town with a rich cultural heritage, known for its historic architecture.
Gerwisch is a peaceful countryside town that offers a relaxed atmosphere for cyclists to enjoy.
Weinberg75 mPeak
Weinberg is a must-visit spot along the route, with its expansive vineyards and picturesque landscapes.
Hohenwarthe is a historic town known for its impressive architectural wonders.
Burg is a charming town with a rich history and offers various historical landmarks worth visiting.
Grabow is a small village with a beautiful castle surrounded by lush greenery.
Räckendorf is a scenic village known for its beautiful landscapes and traditional charm.
Galgenberg99 mPeak
Galgenberg offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and provides an ideal resting point for cyclists.
Burg LindauCastle
Burg Lindau boasts a stunning castle that overlooks the town and provides a glimpse into medieval history.
Katharina II.Attraction
Katharina II is a historic landmark along the route that showcases the rich history of the region.
Finish: Zerbst/Anhalt City center
Zerbst: Touchable history meets cycling adventure in Sachsen-Anhalt

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