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Gravel Adventure to Stellingen

A gravel cycling route starting from Halstenbek

Embark on a gravel adventure to Stellingen, exploring scenic landscapes and charming villages along the way.


This gravel adventure near Halstenbek takes you to Stellingen, offering breathtaking landscapes and opportunities to explore charming villages. With a difficulty level of 3, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs. Highlights of this route include the peaceful Bönningstedt, the scenic Wilstedt Siedlung, the tranquil Wohldorf-Ohlstedt, the picturesque Hummelsbüttel, the stunning Aussichtsterrasse, and the historic town of Stellingen.

66 km
187 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Halstenbek City center
Halstenbek: Enjoying urban and rural cycling in Halstenbek.
Halstenbek is a municipality situated in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. For road and gravel cyclists, Halstenbek offers a mix of urban and rural cycling experiences. Cyclists can explore the town's cycle paths that connect to the surrounding green areas and parks, providing scenic rides close to nature. The nearby Schenefelder Forest is a great spot for off-road cycling adventures, with various trails suitable for different skill levels. Additionally, Halstenbek is conveniently located near the Elbe River, offering picturesque cycling routes along its banks. With its cycling-friendly infrastructure and proximity to natural areas, Halstenbek is a cyclist's paradise.
Bönningstedt is a small town known for its well-preserved historic buildings and peaceful ambiance.
Wilstedt SiedlungHamlet
Wilstedt Siedlung is a picturesque village surrounded by lush green fields and scenic landscapes.
Wohldorf-Ohlstedt is a peaceful neighborhood blessed with an abundance of natural beauty, including forests and lakes.
Hummelsbüttel is a charming district of Hamburg known for its historic buildings and inviting atmosphere.
Aussichtsterrasse offers stunning views of the Elbe River and the surrounding countryside, making it a popular spot for picnics and relaxation.
Stellingen is a historic town known for its well-preserved architecture and cultural heritage.
Finish: Halstenbek City center
Halstenbek: Enjoying urban and rural cycling in Halstenbek.

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