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Katharinenberg Loop

A gravel cycling route starting from Treffurt

Discover the scenic Katharinenberg and enjoy a thrilling gravel ride


Conquer this 54 km gravel route with 940m of ascent, renowned for its scenic trails leading to the awe-inspiring Katharinenberg. Take in the sweeping vistas and embrace the adventurous spirit of cycling through captivating landscapes.

54 km
940 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Treffurt City center
Treffurt: Explore nature, history, and scenic views in Treffurt - the ultimate cycling destination.
Treffurt is a locality in Germany, specifically in the region of Thüringen. From a cyclist's perspective, Treffurt offers a range of road and gravel cycling routes catering to all skill levels. The region is home to the famous Hainich National Park, where cyclists can explore scenic trails through ancient beech forests. Additionally, the nearby Werratalsee lake offers picturesque rides along its shores. Treffurt is also known for its medieval architecture and charming town center, making it a popular destination for tourists. With its diverse cycling options and tourist attractions, Treffurt is a highly recommended locality for cyclists, with a rank of 5.
Explore Katharinenberg, a mesmerizing peak offering spellbinding views of the enchanting Thuringian countryside.
Schlegelsberg461 mPeak
Pedal through Schlegelsberg, a charming village bordering dense forests and scenic hills.
Pass by Büttstedt, a quaint hamlet encircled by idyllic rolling hills and scenic landscapes.
Schöne AussichtViewpoint
Marvel at Schöne Aussicht, a viewpoint providing breathtaking panoramas of the surrounding nature.
Discover Bickenriede, a picturesque village boasting traditional half-timbered houses and a charming church.
Dörnerberg478 mPeak
Stop by Dörnerberg, a tranquil hill offering stunning views of the sprawling countryside.
Sülzenberg362 mViewpoint
Challenge yourself on the Sülzenberg climb, a demanding ascent renowned among local cyclists.
Return to Treffurt and appreciate the town's riverside serenity and rich medieval history.
Finish: Treffurt City center
Treffurt: Explore nature, history, and scenic views in Treffurt - the ultimate cycling destination.

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