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Scenic Ride to Γενισέα, Lagos, and Mavrolofos

A road cycling route starting from Chrysoupolis

Embark on a scenic ride to Γενισέα, Lagos, and Mavrolofos, and discover their natural beauty.


Enjoy a picturesque road cycling adventure that takes you to the charming locations of Γενισέα, Lagos, and Mavrolofos. This route covers a distance of 111 kilometers and offers a moderate challenge with an ascent of 344 meters. Explore the quaint village of Γενισέα, known for its traditional architecture and scenic surroundings. Admire the beauty of Lagos, a charming coastal town that boasts stunning beaches and clear blue waters. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Mavrolofos, a hidden gem nestled amidst the captivating natural landscapes. Overall, this route promises a memorable cycling experience filled with breathtaking landscapes and cultural discoveries.

111 km
344 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Χρυσούπολη City center
Chrysoúpolis: Scenic coastal routes with challenging terrain
Chrysoúpolis is a town located in Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki, Greece. From a cyclist's perspective, Chrysoúpolis offers varied terrain and scenic coastal routes. There are challenging hills and winding roads that provide an exhilarating cycling experience. Though the area is not particularly known for famous climbs, it attracts both road and gravel cyclists who enjoy a mix of coastal and rural landscapes. Chrysoúpolis also offers favorable weather conditions for cycling, with mild winters and warm summers. Overall, the town is a great destination for cyclists looking to explore beautiful surroundings and enjoy Mediterranean views.
Immerse yourself in the rustic charm of Γενισέα, a village surrounded by rolling hills and verdant landscapes.
Relax in the serene coastal town of Lagos and take a dip in its crystal clear waters that are perfect for swimming.
Mavrolofos194 mPeak
Discover the hidden beauty of Mavrolofos, a secluded oasis offering breathtaking views of dramatic cliffs and picturesque valleys.
Finish: Χρυσούπολη City center
Chrysoúpolis: Scenic coastal routes with challenging terrain