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The Ozorai Gravel Ride

A gravel cycling route starting from Ozora

A short gravel route showcasing local heritage and natural beauty


The Ozorai Gravel Ride is a 26-kilometer off-road cycling route starting near Ozora. With only 91 meters of ascent, this route is suitable for cycling enthusiasts looking for a quick adventure. The highlight of this route is the Ozorai Várkastély, a stunning castle located at the starting point. With its rich historical heritage and breathtaking architecture, it's a must-visit spot. As you ride along, you'll come across the Stairway, a natural wonder with stone steps and lush greenery. The route ends near the Ozora Festival grounds, known for hosting one of Hungary's biggest music festivals.

26 km
91 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ozora Village center
Ozora: Get lost in the natural beauty of Ozora on your bicycle.
Ozora, situated in Dél-Dunántúl, Hungary, is a cyclist-friendly locality surrounded by beautiful nature. The roads here are well-maintained, making Ozora an excellent destination for road and gravel cyclists. While there are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs nearby, Ozora offers scenic routes that allow cyclists to immerse themselves in the peaceful countryside. Visit Ozora for a refreshing cycling experience filled with natural beauty and tranquility.
Ozorai VárkastélyCastle
The Ozorai Várkastély is a beautifully preserved castle, offering a glimpse into Hungary's rich history.
The Stairway is a unique natural formation, with stone steps leading up through a forested hill.
Ozora FestivalAttraction
The Ozora Festival is a renowned cultural event, attracting thousands of visitors every year.
Finish: Ozora Village center
Ozora: Get lost in the natural beauty of Ozora on your bicycle.

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