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Nature's Beauty

A gravel cycling route starting from Hajdubagos

Enjoy the natural beauty near Hajdúbagos on this gravel ride


The Nature's Beauty route allows cyclists to immerse themselves in the natural splendor near Hajdúbagos. With a distance of 52 kilometers and an elevation gain of 12 meters, it is a relatively easy ride suitable for all skill levels. Highlights along the route include Sáránd, a charming town with historical significance, and Lyukas-halom/Sámson-halom, hills where riders can enjoy breathtaking panoramic views. Overall, this route offers a tranquil and scenic cycling experience, perfect for nature enthusiasts.

52 km
12 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Hajdúbagos Village center
Hajdúbagos: Indulge in adrenaline-pumping rides through the scenic terrain of Hajdúbagos, located in Észak-Alföld, Hungary.
Hajdúbagos, situated in Észak-Alföld, Hungary, is a wonderful locality for both road and gravel cycling. Cyclists can enjoy well-maintained roads, minimal traffic, and the picturesque countryside. The winding roads and rolling hills of Hajdúbagos offer exciting challenges and rewarding scenery. Additionally, the locality is close to the famous Hortobágy National Park, providing cyclists with the opportunity to explore its beauty. Hajdúbagos ranks a solid 4 from a cyclist's perspective.
Sáránd boasts historical sites and cultural attractions, perfect for immersing oneself in the region's heritage.
Kápolnás-halom108 mPeak
Kápolnás-halom offers stunning views and makes for an exciting ascent for adventurous cyclists.
Lyukas-halom/Sámson-halom102 mPeak
Lyukas-halom/Sámson-halom provides panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes, making it a worthy stop along the route.
Gyopárosi-halom100 mPeak
Gyopárosi-halom is a hill known for its natural beauty and diverse flora, creating a scenic backdrop for riders.
Botos-halom106 mPeak
Botos-halom offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, allowing cyclists to appreciate the region's natural landscapes.
Derecske is a small town with historical sites and interesting architecture, worth a quick exploration during the ride.
Finish: Hajdúbagos Village center
Hajdúbagos: Indulge in adrenaline-pumping rides through the scenic terrain of Hajdúbagos, located in Észak-Alföld, Hungary.

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