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Manoppello Loop

A road cycling route starting from Bucchianico

Explore the picturesque countryside around Manoppello Scalo


Embark on a scenic cycling adventure through the picturesque countryside surrounding Manoppello Scalo with this round-trip route. Covering a distance of 77 kilometers and featuring an ascent of 1492 meters, this route offers a challenging ride amidst beautiful landscapes. The highlight of this route is the town of Manoppello Scalo, located 16 kilometers into the ride. Here, you can visit the Sanctuary of the Holy Face, home to one of the most important Catholic relics. Other highlights along the route include Nocciano, a charming hilltop town known for its medieval castle, and Cepagatti, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The difficulty level of this route is rated at 4 out of 5, making it suitable for experienced cyclists. The epicness level is rated at 3, thanks to the scenic beauty and cultural attractions along the way.

77 km
1492 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Bucchianico Village center
Bucchianico: Escape to the tranquility of Bucchianico in Abruzzo, Italy, for a leisurely cycling getaway.
Bucchianico, situated in the region of Abruzzo in Italy, offers a pleasant cycling experience for both road and gravel cyclists. The locality features a mix of flat and hilly terrains, allowing riders to enjoy variety in their routes. Bucchianico is surrounded by picturesque landscapes and quaint villages, making it an ideal destination for leisurely rides. While it may not have any well-known or famous cycling spots, the quiet roads and tranquil atmosphere make up for it, providing cyclists with a peaceful and enjoyable cycling experience. Visit Bucchianico to immerse yourself in the beauty of rural Italy while cycling to your heart's content.
Manoppello ScaloSub-urb
Manoppello Scalo is home to the Sanctuary of the Holy Face, a significant place of pilgrimage for Catholics.
Nocciano is known for its charming historic center and medieval castle.
Cepagatti offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
Bucchianico is a picturesque town with a rich history and beautiful architecture.
Finish: Bucchianico Village center
Bucchianico: Escape to the tranquility of Bucchianico in Abruzzo, Italy, for a leisurely cycling getaway.

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