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Discover the Cultural Heritage of Abruzzo

A road cycling route starting from Casalincontrada

Uncover the rich cultural heritage of Abruzzo on this captivating cycling route


Embark on a journey through the historical landmarks and cultural gems of Abruzzo. This route offers a perfect blend of scenic landscapes and fascinating cultural sites. Visit Manoppello Scalo and discover the traditions and religious history of the area. Experience the charming town of Torre de' Passeri, with its medieval architecture and narrow streets. Explore the ancient village of Castiglione, known for its impressive castle and fortified walls. Cycle through the historic town of Corfinio, known as the 'Little Pompeii' for its well-preserved Roman ruins. Stop by La Valle, a quaint village boasting panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Discover the beauty of Tocco da Casauria, a medieval town perched on a hilltop. Admire the stunning views from the picturesque village of Scafa, nestled amidst rolling hills and vineyards. Take in the breathtaking vistas from the Belvedere viewpoint.

98 km
1249 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Casalincontrada Village center
Casalincontrada: Relish the tranquility and beauty of Casalincontrada in Abruzzo, Italy, on a calm cycling retreat.
Casalincontrada, situated in the region of Abruzzo in Italy, offers a pleasurable cycling experience for road and gravel cyclists. The locality is surrounded by lush green landscapes and picturesque views, creating a serene atmosphere for riding. Cyclists can embark on scenic routes that pass through Casalincontrada and explore the nearby countryside. While Casalincontrada may not have any famous or well-known cycling spots, cyclists can enjoy the tranquility of lesser-traveled roads in the area. With its peaceful surroundings and scenic routes, Casalincontrada is a suitable destination for cyclists seeking a relaxing cycling getaway.
Manoppello ScaloSub-urb
Visit Manoppello Scalo, an enchanting village known for its religious traditions and the Volto Santo
Torre de' PasseriVillage
Explore the medieval town of Torre de' Passeri with its beautiful architecture and narrow streets
Castiglione592 mPeak
Discover the ancient village of Castiglione, home to an impressive castle and fortified walls
Visit Corfinio, known as the 'Little Pompeii' for its well-preserved Roman ruins
La ValleViewpoint
Pass through La Valle and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and countryside
Tocco da CasauriaVillage
Explore Tocco da Casauria, a medieval town perched on a hilltop with stunning views
Admire the beauty of Scafa, a village nestled among vineyards and rolling hills
Take in the breathtaking vistas from the Belvedere viewpoint
Finish: Casalincontrada Village center
Casalincontrada: Relish the tranquility and beauty of Casalincontrada in Abruzzo, Italy, on a calm cycling retreat.

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