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Barile - Ascoli Satriano

A road cycling route starting from Barile

Cycle through Barile, home to ancient rock houses, in this road route to Ascoli Satriano.


This road route takes you from Barile to Ascoli Satriano, passing through picturesque countryside and historical sites along the way. With a total ascent of 1608 meters over a distance of 118 kilometers, this route is moderately challenging. The highlights of the route include Barile, known for its Abitazioni Rupestri (ancient rock houses), and Ascoli Satriano, a charming town with rich history. The difficulty level of the route is rated as 3, suitable for experienced amateur cyclists. The epicness level is 3, as the route offers scenic views and cultural attractions.

118 km
1608 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Barile Village center
Barile: Experience the tranquil countryside and taste delicious wines in Barile.
Barile is a small town situated in the Basilicata region of Italy. As a cyclist, Barile offers a peaceful and scenic environment for both road and gravel cycling. The town is surrounded by stunning vineyards and rolling hills, providing picturesque views and great cycling routes. Although there are no famous cycling-related spots or well-known climbs directly in Barile, cyclists can explore the surrounding countryside and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the region. Barile is also known for its delicious wines, making it a perfect destination for wine-loving cyclists.
Barile is famous for its Abitazioni Rupestri, ancient rock houses carved into the hillside.
Abitazioni RupestriViewpoint
Abitazioni Rupestri are unique historical sites in the area, showcasing the architectural skills of the past.
Ascoli SatrianoVillage
Ascoli Satriano is a charming town with a rich history, known for its beautiful architecture and cultural attractions.
Finish: Barile Village center
Barile: Experience the tranquil countryside and taste delicious wines in Barile.

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