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Afragola to Acerra Adventure

A road cycling route starting from Afragola

Embark on an adventurous journey from Afragola to Acerra, taking in breathtaking landscapes and historic monuments


This exhilarating route takes you through enchanting landscapes and rich historical sites. Begin your adventure in Afragola, a renowned hub for cycling enthusiasts. As you glide through the route, you'll pass through Orta di Atella, a charming town with lively streets and well-preserved architecture. Traverse the picturesque surroundings until you reach Santa Maria Capua Vetere, a town boasting fascinating historical landmarks. The highlight of this journey is Monte Mesorinolo, offering stunning panoramic views of the surrounding areas. Pedal through Limatola and Monte Castello before reaching Valle di Maddaloni, capturing picturesque scenery along the way. The concluding point of this route is Acerra, a town known for its impressive historical heritage and vibrant local culture. Overall, this route will captivate outdoor enthusiasts looking for a thrilling cycling experience combined with cultural discoveries.

83 km
276 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Afragola Scalo City center
Afragola: Cycling Paradise in Campania
Afragola is a locality in Campania, Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, Afragola offers moderate terrain and scenic routes for both road and gravel cycling. The surrounding region of Campania provides a pleasant environment with rolling hills and picturesque landscapes. One notable cycling spot nearby is Mount Vesuvius, a famous volcano offering challenging climbs for experienced cyclists. Overall, Afragola is a cyclist-friendly area with plenty of opportunities for exploration.
Afragola is a popular starting point for challenging cycling routes, attracting passionate riders from all over.
Orta di AtellaTown
Orta di Atella boasts a captivating historic center, with charming streets lined with traditional architecture.
Santa Maria Capua VetereTown
Santa Maria Capua Vetere is a treasure trove of ancient Roman ruins, including the iconic Capua Amphitheater.
Monte Mesorinolo231 mPeak
Monte Mesorinolo provides a thrilling ascent, rewarding cyclists with breathtaking panoramic views.
Limatola is an enchanting medieval town with picturesque landscapes and a well-preserved castle.
Monte Castello180 mPeak
Monte Castello offers a challenging climb, accompanied by stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
Valle di MaddaloniVillage
Valle di Maddaloni is a charming area known for its rolling hills and serene country roads, perfect for cycling.
Acerra is a town brimming with history and culture, with notable attractions including the splendid Baroque-style Palazzo Bevilacqua.
Finish: Afragola Scalo City center
Afragola: Cycling Paradise in Campania

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