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The Scenic Route

A road cycling route starting from Benevento

Picturesque landscapes and historical gems


This scenic round-trip cycling route near Benevento spans 75 kilometers, providing a more manageable yet still captivating cycling experience. With an ascent of 1151 meters, cyclists can enjoy gentle slopes and stunning panoramic vistas along the way. Highlights along the route include Apice, Lapio, and Prata di Principato Ultra, each offering distinct landscapes and historical landmarks. Suitable for moderately trained cyclists, this route combines natural beauty with cultural heritage, making it a superb choice for an enjoyable and memorable cycling adventure.

75 km
1151 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Benevento City center
Benevento: Nature and history collide in scenic Benevento.
Benevento, situated in the region of Campania, Italy, offers a mix of cycling routes suitable for both road and gravel cyclists. The locality is known for its beautiful countryside, featuring vineyards, olive groves, and ancient Roman ruins. Road cyclists can enjoy quiet roads and admire picturesque landscapes. Gravel cyclists have the option to explore off-road paths and immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the area. Benevento is also close to famous cycling climbs, such as Monte Taburno and Roccamandolfi. With its scenic appeal and accessible routes, it is a great destination for cyclists.
Pass through the charming village of Apice, known for its eponymous ancient ruins and picturesque streets.
Lapio promises scenic beauty with rolling hills and idyllic countryside views, perfect for nature enthusiasts.
Prata di Principato UltraVillage
Immerse yourself in the rich history of Prata di Principato Ultra, home to well-preserved remains from the Roman era.
Monte Guardia321 mPeak
Monte Guardia, overlooking the surrounding valleys and meadows, offers a sense of tranquility and natural grandeur.
Explore Benevento and its architectural marvels, such as the Church of Santa Sofia and the Rocca dei Rettori, while indulging in the city's vibrant atmosphere.
Finish: Benevento City center
Benevento: Nature and history collide in scenic Benevento.

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