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Treasures of Conza Valley

A road cycling route starting from Calabritto

Discover the beauty of Conza Valley on this cycling route


Explore the scenic Conza Valley on this 110 km round-trip cycling route. With an ascent of 2123 m, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs who want to enjoy breathtaking views and discover the hidden gems of the region. Starting near Calabritto, you'll pass through charming towns and picturesque landscapes.

110 km
2123 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Calabritto Village center
Calabritto: Rural Charm amidst Vineyards and Olive Groves
Calabritto, a quiet town in Campania, Italy, is a suitable destination for road and gravel cyclists. Surrounded by beautiful countryside, Calabritto offers scenic routes with rolling terrain that cater to a range of cycling abilities. The locality is famous for its picturesque vineyards and olive groves, providing a delightful backdrop for your rides. Nearby, the Vulture Natural Park and Abriola will both challenge and reward cyclists with their climbs. Calabritto's cycling opportunities make it an enjoyable destination for exploring the rural landscapes of Campania.
Caposele is a must-stop spot with its ancient abbey, rich history, and beautiful surroundings.
Rocca San FeliceVillage
Conza della CampaniaVillage
As you cycle through Rocca San Felice, take a detour to visit the ancient castle and enjoy the panoramic views of the countryside.
Sella di Conza697 mMountain Pass
Cyclists will encounter Sella di Conza, a challenging climb with magnificent views of Conza Valley.
Finish: Calabritto Village center
Calabritto: Rural Charm amidst Vineyards and Olive Groves

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