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The Francolise Adventure

A road cycling route starting from Vitulazio

Embark on an epic cycling adventure through the mountains and valleys of Francolise.


Prepare for an unforgettable cycling experience on this challenging road route through Francolise. With a demanding ascent and a distance of 135 km, this route is best suited for experienced cyclists seeking a thrilling challenge. Ride through picturesque towns such as Casale and Galluccio, where you can take in breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. As you reach Venafro, you'll have the opportunity to explore its historic center and immerse yourself in its rich cultural heritage. The route culminates with a climb up Monte Fosco, offering stunning panoramic views and a sense of accomplishment.

135 km
1925 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Vitulazio Village center
Vitulazio: A tranquil cycling experience in Vitulazio, Italy.
Vitulazio is a small town located in Campania, Italy. It offers limited options for road and gravel cyclists, with mostly flat terrains and some minor hills. While it may not be the most exciting locality for cyclists, Vitulazio provides a quiet and peaceful atmosphere for leisurely rides. Cyclists can enjoy the picturesque countryside views while exploring the town's charming streets.
Francolise: Begin your adventure in the charming town of Francolise, known for its beautiful landscapes and historic sights.
Casale: Take a break in Casale and enjoy the town's quaint atmosphere and local cuisine.
Punto panoramicoViewpoint
Punto panoramico: Stop at the scenic viewpoint and marvel at the panoramic vistas stretching before you.
Galluccio: Visit the medieval village of Galluccio and explore its narrow streets and ancient buildings.
monte Rotondo373 mPeak
Monte Rotondo: Challenge yourself with the ascent up Monte Rotondo and enjoy the breathtaking views from its summit.
Venafro: Discover the rich history and cultural heritage of Venafro as you explore its charming streets and landmarks.
Pietravairano: Experience the rustic charm of Pietravairano and enjoy its picturesque countryside scenery.
Monte Fosco256 mPeak
Monte Fosco: Conquer the challenging climb up Monte Fosco and soak in the awe-inspiring panoramic vistas from the top.
Cima692 mPeak
Cima: Reach the summit of Cima and revel in the sense of achievement as you take in the stunning views.
Camigliano: End your adventure in Camigliano, a picturesque town known for its medieval architecture and tranquil surroundings.
Finish: Vitulazio Village center
Vitulazio: A tranquil cycling experience in Vitulazio, Italy.

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