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The Summit Challenge

A road cycling route starting from Bastiglia

Conquer the summit on this scenic road cycling route near Bastiglia


Embark on a challenging road cycling route near Bastiglia, Emilia-Romagna, and conquer the heights with an ascent of 160 meters over a distance of 81 kilometers. Enjoy the breathtaking scenery as you ascend through Albareto, Casalgrande, Bagno, Soliera, and finally reach the summit at Bastiglia. This route is an unforgettable experience for cyclists seeking a true test of their skills and determination.

81 km
160 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Bastiglia Village center
Bastiglia: Charming locality with diverse terrain and nearby attractions.
Bastiglia, situated in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, offers a range of cycling opportunities for road and gravel enthusiasts. The town is surrounded by beautiful countryside and features a mix of flat and hilly terrain, making it suitable for cyclists of all levels. Bastiglia is also known for its historic architecture and charming streets, providing a pleasant atmosphere for cyclists exploring the area. Nearby attractions include the town of Modena and the stunning Monte Cimone climb.
Albareto provides a picturesque setting, enveloping cyclists in verdant hills and charming countryside views.
Casalgrande tempts cyclists with its extraordinary architecture and rich cultural heritage, boasting a wealth of historical landmarks to explore.
Bagno treats cyclists to stunning views of the surrounding landscapes, encapsulating the natural beauty of Emilia-Romagna.
Soliera offers a respite for weary cyclists, with its tranquil parks and inviting cafes providing the perfect venue to recharge after tackling the ascent.
Bastiglia, the final destination, showcases its rich historical significance, offering cyclists a sense of achievement as they conclude their summit challenge.
Finish: Bastiglia Village center
Bastiglia: Charming locality with diverse terrain and nearby attractions.

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