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Farnese Loop

A road cycling route starting from Farnese

Breathtaking landscapes and charming medieval towns await on this road cycling route near Farnese


The Farnese Loop offers cyclists a delightful journey through the picturesque countryside of Lazio, Italy. The route takes riders on an 83-kilometer adventure through rolling hills, scenic vineyards, and charming medieval towns. Along the way, cyclists will be rewarded with breathtaking landscapes, historic landmarks, and stunning views of Lake Bolsena. With a mix of challenging climbs and gentle descents, this route is perfect for well-trained amateur cyclists looking for a memorable and rewarding ride. Whether it's exploring the ancient town of Montefiascone, sipping local wines in Bolsena, or enjoying panoramic vistas from the top of Poggio del Mulino, the Farnese Loop promises a truly unforgettable cycling experience.

83 km
1162 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Farnese Village center
Farnese: Diverse terrain and access to nearby cycling hotspots
Farnese, located in the Lazio region of Italy, offers a memorable cycling experience for both road and gravel enthusiasts. The town is surrounded by scenic hills and countryside paths that are perfect for exploring on a bike. Road cyclists can enjoy well-maintained routes, while gravel cyclists will appreciate the challenging terrains found in the nearby nature reserves. The locality's proximity to the cycling hotspots of Pitigliano and Bolsena enhances the overall cycling experience. Farnese is a desirable destination for cyclists seeking variety in their riding experience.
Poggio del Mulino408 mPeak
Located at the highest point of the route, Poggio del Mulino offers cyclists stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, including picturesque vineyards and olive groves.
Discover the charming medieval town of Latera, with its narrow cobbled streets, ancient buildings, and impressive castle ruins.
Take a break in Bolsena, a picturesque lakeside town famous for its crystal-clear waters, enchanting alleys, and delicious local cuisine.
Situated on a hilltop, Montefiascone boasts magnificent views of Lake Bolsena and its beautiful surroundings, making it a must-visit stop on the route.
Monte d'Oro537 mPeak
Conquer the challenging climb to Monte d'Oro, a legendary spot for cyclists, and enjoy breathtaking panoramas of the surrounding landscape from its summit.
Pause at the belvedere and soak in the beauty of the rolling hills and vineyards that stretch as far as the eye can see.
Chiesa di Sancta Maria ad TemplumCastle Ruins
Visit the historic Chiesa di Sancta Maria ad Templum, a medieval church known for its intricate architecture and stunning artistry.
Ischia di CastroVillage
Explore the quaint town of Ischia di Castro, known for its well-preserved medieval buildings and charming streets lined with colorful houses.
Poggio San Giovanni474 mPeak
Pass through the picturesque village of Poggio San Giovanni, nestled amidst rolling hills and offering captivating views of the surrounding landscape.
Finish: Farnese Village center
Farnese: Diverse terrain and access to nearby cycling hotspots

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