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Monte Macchione Circuit

A road cycling route starting from Roccagorga

Challenge yourself with a climb to the summit of Monte Macchione and enjoy breathtaking views


Embark on this road cycling circuit starting from Roccagorga and test your skills on the demanding ascent to Monte Macchione. The route offers a mix of challenging climbs, exhilarating descents, and scenic stretches. Mont Carbolino is another highlight along the way, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. For nature enthusiasts, the route passes through Monte Fulcino, a picturesque mountain known for its diverse flora and fauna. Overall, this circuit is a great option for cyclists seeking a thrilling adventure amidst stunning natural beauty.

59 km
761 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Roccagorga Village center
Roccagorga: Charming countryside roads and challenging terrains.
Roccagorga is a small town located in the Lazio region of Italy. From a cyclist's perspective, Roccagorga offers scenic countryside roads and challenging terrains for road and gravel cycling. The area is known for its rolling hills and picturesque landscapes, making it a great destination for cyclists looking for some exploration. One of the notable cycling spots nearby is the climb to Monte Semprevisa, which offers breathtaking views at the summit. Roccagorga has limited tourist infrastructure, but it is still worth visiting for cycling enthusiasts seeking an off-the-beaten-path experience.
Pass by Roccagorga, a small town without any notable attractions.
Monte Macchione264 mPeak
Enjoy the magnificent views from the summit of Monte Macchione.
Monte Carbolino724 mPeak
Take a break at Monte Carbolino and admire the panoramic views.
Monte Fulcino736 mPeak
Marvel at the scenic beauty of Monte Fulcino, known for its diverse flora and fauna.
Finish: Roccagorga Village center
Roccagorga: Charming countryside roads and challenging terrains.

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