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Cycling Through Roccagorga and Roccasecca dei Volsci

A road cycling route starting from Sezze Scalo

A scenic road cycling route with highlights in Roccagorga and Roccasecca dei Volsci


This road cycling route offers beautiful views and interesting highlights along the way. Starting from Sezze Scalo, you will pass through Roccagorga, known for its charming old town, and continue to Roccasecca dei Volsci. The route includes challenging ascents, totaling 1,743 meters, and covers a distance of 90 kilometers. Overall, this route provides a great balance between natural scenery and historical sights.

90 km
1743 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Sezze City center
Sezze Scalo: Cycling in picturesque Lazio, Italy
Sezze Scalo, located in Lazio, Italy, is a delightful locality for road and gravel cyclists. The region offers a perfect balance of challenging climbs and serene flat routes, suitable for cyclists of all levels. Road cyclists can take on the famous Monte Porzio Climb, while gravel cyclists can explore the peaceful countryside roads lined with olive groves and vineyards. Sezze Scalo is also a great base for exploring the surrounding areas, including historical sites like the Temples of Largo Argentina and the Colosseum in Rome. With its unique blend of cycling and cultural experiences, Sezze Scalo is a must-visit destination for cyclists.
Stop by Roccagorga and explore its historic center, which is famous for its well-preserved medieval architecture.
Take a break at Amaseno and enjoy the views of the Lepini Mountains.
Roccasecca dei VolsciVillage
Visit Roccasecca dei Volsci, a picturesque hilltop village with breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
Ceriara di SezzeHamlet
Discover Ceriara di Sezze, a small village known for its traditional stone houses and rural atmosphere.
Monte Macchione264 mPeak
Make a stop at Monte Macchione and take in the panoramic vistas of the surrounding landscape.
Finish: Sezze City center
Sezze Scalo: Cycling in picturesque Lazio, Italy

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