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Discover the Historical Gems of Liguria on Two Wheels

A road cycling route starting from Genoa

Embark on a scenic cycling journey through Liguria, exploring palaces, castles, and breathtaking mountain passes.


This route takes you through the picturesque region of Liguria, offering a blend of natural beauty and historical context. As you cycle through the routes near Genoa, you will pass by the Palazzo San Giorgio, an iconic landmark, before reaching the Terrazza del Castello del Belvedere, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. The Passo del Turchino and Monte Orditano provide challenging climbs for experienced riders, while Campo Ligure offers a glimpse into the region's charming old town. The route also includes highlights such as Masone, Monte Pracaban, and Belvedere Luigi Montaldo, each adding to the overall allure of the journey. Overall, this route is suitable for well-trained amateurs seeking a mix of physical activity, historical exploration, and stunning scenery.

92 km
2147 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Genova City center
Genoa: A paradise for road cyclists with challenging climbs and stunning coastal views.
Genoa, located in the Liguria region of Italy, is a haven for road cyclists. With its diverse terrain and panoramic coastal views, it offers endless varied and challenging rides. Cyclists can tackle the renowned climbs of Monte Faccia and Passo del Turchino nearby, both notorious for their difficulty and stunning vistas. Genoa itself provides all the amenities and infrastructure needed for cyclists, with bike-friendly roads and many cycle shops. The city is also a popular tourist destination, offering a wealth of cultural attractions and local cuisine to explore after a day in the saddle.
Palazzo San GiorgioAttraction
Palazzo San Giorgio is a historic palace located in Genoa, known as one of the most important medieval buildings in Europe. It served as a headquarters for the first Italian bourse and the House of Savoy.
Terrazza del Castello del BelvedereViewpoint
Terrazza del Castello del Belvedere offers breathtaking panoramic views of Genoa and the Ligurian coast, making it a perfect spot for a rest and photo opportunity.
Passo del Turchino530 mMountain Pass
Passo del Turchino is a mountain pass with a long history, frequently used in the Giro d'Italia. It offers challenging gradients and stunning views of the Ligurian hills.
Masone is a picturesque village surrounded by lush greenery, making it an idyllic place to pause and appreciate the region's natural beauty.
Campo LigureVillage
Campo Ligure features a beautifully preserved historic center, where you can explore narrow alleys and elegant palazzos that date back to the Middle Ages.
Monte Pracaban946 mPeak
Monte Pracaban offers a scenic climb through winding roads and dense forests, providing a peaceful and immersed ride into nature.
Monte Orditano951 mPeak
Monte Orditano offers a challenging ascent with rewarding views at the top. On a clear day, you can see the Ligurian Sea and surrounding mountain ranges.
Ceranesi is a small village surrounded by rolling hills, offering a tranquil retreat and an opportunity to discover the region's rural charm.
Belvedere Luigi MontaldoViewpoint
Belvedere Luigi Montaldo provides a panoramic viewpoint overlooking Genoa, capturing the expanse of the city and the Ligurian coastline.
Genoa, the starting and ending point of the route, is a historic port city with a rich maritime heritage and charming medieval quarters, perfect for exploring before or after your cycling adventure.
Finish: Genova City center
Genoa: A paradise for road cyclists with challenging climbs and stunning coastal views.

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