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Explore historic mountain passes and majestic views in Moconesi, Italy.

Cycling routes from Moconesi

Moconesi, situated in Liguria, Italy, is a gem for road and gravel cyclists. Located in the Apennine Mountains, Moconesi offers breathtaking scenery and challenging climbs. One of the highlights for any cyclist visiting Moconesi is the legendary Passo del Turchino, a historic mountain pass often used in the Milan-San Remo race. Cycling through lush forests and enjoying panoramic views of Liguria's coastline are some of the memorable experiences in Moconesi. With its cycling-rich heritage and stunning landscapes, Moconesi deserves a top spot on every cyclist's travel list.

Discover the hidden gem of Ferrada on this road cycling route from Moconesi

50 km
1743 m

This 50km road cycling route near Moconesi offers a moderate level of difficulty with an ascent of 1743m. The highlight of the route is the charming village of Ferrada and its beautiful surroundings. With various other scenic points along the way, cyclists will have the opportunity to appreciate the natural beauty of the Ligurian landscape.

Embark on an epic adventure through Moconesi's rugged hills and witness the hidden beauty of Monleone.

165 km
5131 m

Experience the thrill of conquering Liguria's challenging terrains with this 165-kilometer cycling adventure starting near Moconesi. This demanding route leads cyclists through breathtaking landscapes, with highlights including the picturesque village of Monleone, the enchanting Monte Veri, and the spectacular Passo del Mercatello. With a difficulty rating of 4, this route is suitable for experienced cyclists seeking an unforgettable adventure amidst nature's wonders. Push your limits, savor the rugged beauty of Liguria, and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of the region.

Conquer the challenging ascent to Monte Veri on this road cycling route from Moconesi

118 km
4028 m

This 118km road cycling route near Moconesi offers a challenging ride with a total ascent of 4028m. The highlight of the route is the magnificent Monte Veri, providing cyclists with breathtaking views from the summit. With various other notable points along the way, this route promises an epic cycling experience amidst stunning landscapes.

Experience breathtaking views and challenging climbs on this road cycling route near Moconesi.

90 km
3187 m

The Moconesi Loop is a challenging road cycling route that offers stunning views and varied landscapes. The route covers a distance of 90 kilometers with an ascent of 3187 meters, making it suitable for experienced cyclists. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights such as Passo della Spinarola, Rosa dei venti, and Mulinetti. These spots offer picturesque landscapes and are perfect for taking a break and capturing some memorable photos. The highlight of the route is the legendary climb to Colle di Capenardo, which is famous among cyclists for its steep slopes and incredible views. Overall, this route is not for the faint-hearted but rewards with exceptional natural beauty and a sense of accomplishment.

Embark on a challenging road cycling route with scenic views from Moconesi to Borgonovo Ligure

131 km
2878 m

This 131km road cycling route near Moconesi provides a challenging ride with an ascent of 2878m. The highlight of the route is reaching Borgonovo Ligure, a town renowned for its breathtaking scenery and quaint streets. With several other highlights along the way, cyclists will have the opportunity to experience the beauty of the Ligurian landscape.

Embark on a scenic road cycling route from Moconesi to the charming village of Monleone

69 km
1743 m

This 69km road cycling route near Moconesi offers a moderate level of difficulty with an ascent of 1743m. The highlight of the route is the picturesque village of Monleone, where cyclists can enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding countryside. With various other notable points along the way, this route guarantees an enjoyable cycling experience amidst beautiful landscapes.

Embark on a thrilling gravel cycling adventure near Moconesi and explore picturesque landscapes.

90 km
2617 m

The Moconesi Loop is an exhilarating gravel cycling route that showcases the natural beauty and varied terrain surrounding Moconesi. With a distance of 90 kilometers and an ascent of 2617 meters, this route offers a challenging yet rewarding experience. Highlights include Monte Pelato, Pino Soprano, and Pizzo, which provide memorable views of mountain peaks and valleys. Passo della Crocetta di Orero offers a picturesque spot for a break among the rolling hills, while Casella, a charming village, fascinates with its historical charm. The route concludes with a demanding climb up Passo della Scoffera, offering a sense of achievement upon reaching the top. With Ognio as a charming stopover, this route showcases the natural and cultural diversity of the region, making it a memorable adventure for gravel cycling enthusiasts.

Climb to breathtaking views and explore charming towns on this road cycling route from Moconesi.

70 km
2332 m

The Moconesi Loop is a challenging road cycling route that offers stunning views of the Ligurian landscape. Starting in Moconesi, riders will climb over 2,300 meters of elevation spread across 70 kilometers. Along the way, cyclists will pass through picturesque towns such as Monleone and San Michele di Pagana, which offer opportunities for refreshment and exploration. As one of the more difficult routes in the area, the Moconesi Loop is ideal for experienced cyclists who are looking for a challenging ride with exceptional views.

Explore the challenging ascent of Monte Pelato on this road cycling route near Moconesi

187 km
4779 m

This 187km road cycling route near Moconesi offers a challenging ride with a total ascent of 4779m. The highlight of the route is the climb to Monte Pelato, offering breathtaking views from the summit. With various other scenic points along the way, this route promises an adventurous and rewarding cycling experience.

Navigate through the picturesque landscapes of Liguria and experience the charm of Ferrada and Passo della Spinarola.

69 km
2205 m

Embark on a breathtaking cycling adventure through the hills and valleys near Moconesi in Liguria, Italy. This 69-kilometer route offers stunning views of the surrounding landscapes, with highlights including the picturesque village of Ferrada and the challenging climbs of Passo della Spinarola. With a moderate difficulty rating and a touch of epicness, this route is perfect for well-trained amateur cyclists seeking to explore the beauty of Liguria. Enjoy the exhilarating ascents, thrilling descents, and take in the panoramic views along the way.

Cycling routes nearby:

Image of Cicagna

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Image of Uscio

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Image of Avegno

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Image of Rapallo

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Image of Recco

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Image of Camogli

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Image of Santa Margherita Ligure
Santa Margherita Ligure

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Image of Bargagli

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Image of Sori

Picturesque locality with scenic coastal routes and cultural heritage.

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