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Moconesi Loop - Road Cycling Route

A road cycling route starting from Moconesi

Experience breathtaking views and challenging climbs on this road cycling route near Moconesi.


The Moconesi Loop is a challenging road cycling route that offers stunning views and varied landscapes. The route covers a distance of 90 kilometers with an ascent of 3187 meters, making it suitable for experienced cyclists. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights such as Passo della Spinarola, Rosa dei venti, and Mulinetti. These spots offer picturesque landscapes and are perfect for taking a break and capturing some memorable photos. The highlight of the route is the legendary climb to Colle di Capenardo, which is famous among cyclists for its steep slopes and incredible views. Overall, this route is not for the faint-hearted but rewards with exceptional natural beauty and a sense of accomplishment.

90 km
3187 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Moconesi Village center
Moconesi: Explore historic mountain passes and majestic views in Moconesi, Italy.
Moconesi, situated in Liguria, Italy, is a gem for road and gravel cyclists. Located in the Apennine Mountains, Moconesi offers breathtaking scenery and challenging climbs. One of the highlights for any cyclist visiting Moconesi is the legendary Passo del Turchino, a historic mountain pass often used in the Milan-San Remo race. Cycling through lush forests and enjoying panoramic views of Liguria's coastline are some of the memorable experiences in Moconesi. With its cycling-rich heritage and stunning landscapes, Moconesi deserves a top spot on every cyclist's travel list.
Passo della Spinarola546 mMountain Pass
Passo della Spinarola is a scenic highlight along the route, offering panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
Salto, a scenic highlight, provides a stunning viewpoint to admire the rugged landscape and lush greenery.
Rosa dei ventiViewpoint
Rosa dei venti offers a unique vantage point to enjoy a panoramic view of the Ligurian coastline and the Mediterranean Sea.
Mulinetti is a charming highlight that showcases a picturesque waterfall surrounded by lush vegetation.
Bavari is a small village located along the route, known for its traditional architecture and peaceful atmosphere.
Monte Castellaro458 mPeak
Monte Castellaro offers stunning vistas of verdant hills and provides a great sense of accomplishment upon reaching its summit.
Colle di Capenardo751 mMountain Pass
Colle di Capenardo is a renowned climb that challenges cyclists with its steep gradients and rewards them with breathtaking views at the top.
Passo della Scoffera674 mMountain Pass
Passo della Scoffera is a demanding climb that tests the endurance and determination of cyclists, providing a sense of accomplishment upon conquering its slopes.
Ognio, a charming village with its old-world charm and picturesque setting, serves as a perfect rest stop along the route.
Finish: Moconesi Village center
Moconesi: Explore historic mountain passes and majestic views in Moconesi, Italy.

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