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Uncover the natural wonders and challenging climbs of Casorezzo.

Cycling routes from Casorezzo

Casorezzo, nestled in Lombardia, Italy, offers a delightful cycling escape for road and gravel cyclists. The town is surrounded by scenic countryside, providing countless kilometers of peaceful roads and trails to explore. Casorezzo is an excellent base camp for various cycling routes that showcase the beauty of Lombardia. Additionally, the vicinity boasts a well-known climb called the Bosco Monumentale del Sasseto, which offers a challenging but rewarding uphill challenge for cyclists. With its natural beauty and diverse routes, Casorezzo is a cyclist's haven waiting to be discovered.

A scenic road loop with cultural highlights near Casorezzo

52 km
109 m

Explore the enchanting towns near Casorezzo on this 52 km road cycling loop. With a moderate ascent of 109 meters, this route is suitable for amateur cyclists looking for a delightful ride. Pass through Bernate Ticino and Turbigo, two beautiful towns known for their historical landmarks and charming atmosphere. Make a detour at Tornavento and soak in the beauty of its ancient bridge and idyllic countryside. The route concludes in Villa Cortese, a town that offers a glimpse into traditional Lombardia architecture and culture.

Embark on an ultimate road cycling challenge from Furato to Inveruno and test your limits.

91 km
221 m

This epic road route offers a thrilling cycling experience with challenging climbs and breathtaking scenery. With a total ascent of 221m and a distance of 91km, it is suitable for highly skilled road cyclists seeking an adrenaline rush. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights such as Boffalora sopra Ticino, a picturesque village with panoramic views, and Badia di Dulzago, an impressive monastery with a rich history.

Embark on a gravel adventure to Castano Primo and immerse yourself in nature.

56 km
171 m

This gravel route takes you through scenic landscapes and charming villages, offering a refreshing escape to Castano Primo. With a total ascent of 171m and a distance of 56km, it is suitable for experienced gravel riders. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights such as Cascina Gallarata, a historic farmhouse with a story to tell, and Ponte di Oleggio, a picturesque bridge over a tranquil river.

A scenic road adventure through picturesque countryside, starting near Casorezzo

80 km
109 m

Set off on this 80 km road adventure, beginning near Casorezzo, and immerse yourself in the peaceful charm of Lombardia's countryside. With an ascent of 109 meters, this route caters to cyclists of all skill levels. Marvel at the natural beauty as you cycle through Bareggio and Gudo Visconti, both offering idyllic landscapes and traditional Italian architecture. At the 34 km mark, explore the serene village of Fallavecchia, known for its tranquil atmosphere and exquisite local cuisine. Conclude your journey in Furato, a place famous for its breathtaking scenery.

A scenic gravel loop starting in Casorezzo

49 km
114 m

This 49 km gravel route takes you through the picturesque Lombardia countryside. Starting from Casorezzo, you'll ride through Boffalora sopra Ticino, a charming town famous for its traditional architecture and stunning views of the Ticino River. The route offers a moderate ascent of 114 meters, making it suitable for intermediate cyclists. Experience the tranquility of the rural landscapes as you cycle along this distinctive route.

Embark on a thrilling road ride to Legnano, known for its historic significance.

56 km
153 m

This challenging road route takes you through rolling hills and scenic countryside, offering a memorable cycling experience en route to Legnano. With a total ascent of 153m and a distance of 56km, it is suitable for experienced road cyclists. Along the way, you'll encounter highlights such as Busto Garolfo, a charming town with a rich cultural heritage, and Casorezzo, one of Lombardia's hidden gems.

A thrilling road cycling adventure near Casorezzo

59 km
166 m

Embark on this exhilarating 59 km road cycling route starting near Casorezzo. With a challenging ascent of 166 meters, this route is best suited for experienced cyclists. Ride through Inveruno and Samarate, two towns known for their vibrant local culture and historic landmarks. As you reach Cairate and Castellanza, take a moment to explore the beautiful surroundings and capture memorable photos. This road adventure ends in Casorezzo after passing through Canegrate, where you can enjoy a well-deserved meal at a local restaurant.

Experience the rural charm of Lombardia on this gravel adventure starting from Casorezzo.

68 km
120 m

This scenic gravel route takes you through picturesque towns and countryside, offering a unique glimpse into the rural charm of Lombardia. With a total ascent of 120m and a distance of 68km, it is suitable for cyclists of intermediate skill level. Along the way, you'll find highlights such as the quaint town of Inveruno, known for its historic architecture, and Mesero, which offers beautiful views of the surrounding landscape.

Embark on an adventurous gravel journey to Busto Arsizio and discover its hidden treasures.

60 km
221 m

This exhilarating gravel route will take you through rugged landscapes and beautiful towns, offering a unique perspective of the Lombardia region. With a total ascent of 221m and a distance of 60km, it is suitable for advanced gravel cyclists. Along the way, you'll come across highlights such as Castelnovate, a picturesque town with stunning views, and Cardano al Campo, known for its charming streets lined with historic buildings.

An adventurous gravel challenge near Casorezzo

88 km
465 m

Prepare yourself for an unforgettable cycling experience with this challenging 88 km gravel route near Casorezzo. This route is designed for experienced riders, featuring a demanding ascent of 465 meters. Begin your adventure in Busto Garolfo and savor the scenic landscapes as you pass through Cairate and Bulgarograsso. Embrace the adrenaline as you tackle the terrain of Rovellasca and Lainate, known for their off-road challenges and breathtaking scenery. Conclude your journey in Parabiago, a town renowned for its rich history and picturesque surroundings.

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