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Northern Lombardia Gravel Challenge

A gravel cycling route starting from Casorezzo

An adventurous gravel challenge near Casorezzo


Prepare yourself for an unforgettable cycling experience with this challenging 88 km gravel route near Casorezzo. This route is designed for experienced riders, featuring a demanding ascent of 465 meters. Begin your adventure in Busto Garolfo and savor the scenic landscapes as you pass through Cairate and Bulgarograsso. Embrace the adrenaline as you tackle the terrain of Rovellasca and Lainate, known for their off-road challenges and breathtaking scenery. Conclude your journey in Parabiago, a town renowned for its rich history and picturesque surroundings.

88 km
465 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Casorezzo Village center
Casorezzo: Uncover the natural wonders and challenging climbs of Casorezzo.
Casorezzo, nestled in Lombardia, Italy, offers a delightful cycling escape for road and gravel cyclists. The town is surrounded by scenic countryside, providing countless kilometers of peaceful roads and trails to explore. Casorezzo is an excellent base camp for various cycling routes that showcase the beauty of Lombardia. Additionally, the vicinity boasts a well-known climb called the Bosco Monumentale del Sasseto, which offers a challenging but rewarding uphill challenge for cyclists. With its natural beauty and diverse routes, Casorezzo is a cyclist's haven waiting to be discovered.
Busto GarolfoTown
Pass through Cairate at approximately 22 km into the route, and marvel at its charming countryside and magnificent architecture.
Embark on a challenging section as you approach Bulgarograsso, which is abundant in off-road biking opportunities.
As you conquer the challenging terrain of Rovellasca at around 59 km mark, admire the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
Cycle through Lainate after about 73 km, taking in the beautiful sights along the way and enjoying the thrill of off-road cycling.
Conclude your gravel challenge in Parabiago, famous for its historic churches and charming streets.
Finish: Casorezzo Village center
Casorezzo: Uncover the natural wonders and challenging climbs of Casorezzo.

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