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Castelveccana Loop

A road cycling route starting from Castelveccana

Experience breathtaking views and discover hidden gems on this challenging road biking route.


Embark on an unforgettable journey on the Castelveccana Loop, a fantastic road biking route in Lombardia. This 100 km round-trip takes cyclists through diverse landscapes of rolling hills, charming villages, and stunning viewpoints. With a total ascent of 1,298 meters, this route offers a challenging but rewarding experience for well-trained amateurs. Prepare to be enchanted by the panoramic vistas, beautiful waterfalls, and historic landmarks along the way.

100 km
1298 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Castelveccana Village center
Castelveccana: Cycling paradise in Lombardia
Castelveccana, located in Lombardia, Italy, is a cyclist's dream destination. With stunning views of Lake Maggiore and challenging climbs in the vicinity, Castelveccana offers an unforgettable cycling experience. The region is known for its mountainous terrain, providing excellent opportunities for road and gravel cyclists. Cyclists can tackle the legendary climbs of Passo dello Stelvio and Mortirolo, or explore the picturesque routes surrounding the lake. Castelveccana is a must-visit locality for cyclists seeking a mix of scenic beauty and challenging rides.
Terrazza Belvedere PasquéViewpoint
Make a stop at Terrazza Belvedere Pasqué, a stunning viewpoint with a panoramic vista over Lake Maggiore. Take in the beauty of the surrounding mountains and the turquoise waters below.
Lavatoio di RoggianoAttraction
Don't miss the Lavatoio di Roggiano, a picturesque ancient washhouse nestled in a quaint village. Learn about the traditional washing practices of the region.
Cascata delle Grotte di ValgannaWaterfall
Witness the mesmerizing Cascata delle Grotte di Valganna, a waterfall hidden within a scenic valley. Be captivated by the cascading waters and the peaceful atmosphere.
Belmonte421 mPeak
Visit Belmonte, a historic town with charming cobblestone streets and beautiful architecture. Enjoy a leisurely stroll through the town and soak in its rich history.
Pass through Carnago, a charming village known for its traditional houses and vibrant local culture. Experience the authentic atmosphere and perhaps taste some local delicacies.
Quinzano San PietroVillage
Discover the beauty of Quinzano San Pietro, a small village with a quaint church and idyllic countryside surroundings. Take a moment to enjoy the peaceful ambiance.
Monte Carbonaro351 mPeak
Marvel at Monte Carbonaro, a majestic mountain that offers panoramic views of the surrounding valleys. Enjoy the challenge of cycling uphill and bask in the sense of accomplishment at the summit.
Explore Besozzo, a picturesque lakeside town with charming streets and stunning lake views. Take a break by the water and soak in the tranquility of the surroundings.
Monte Scirlago320 mPeak
Experience the thrill of conquering Monte Scirlago, a challenging climb with rewarding views. Enjoy the sense of achievement as you reach the summit.
Make a stop at Caldè, a charming lakeside town with a beautiful beach and vibrant atmosphere. Take a dip in the crystal-clear waters of Lake Maggiore.
Rocca di Caldè373 mPeak
Visit Rocca di Caldè, a historic fortress situated on a hill overlooking the lake. Immerse yourself in the ancient history and enjoy the breathtaking views from the top.
Finish: Castelveccana Village center
Castelveccana: Cycling paradise in Lombardia

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