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The Breathtaking Lombardia Road

A road cycling route starting from Cenate Sopra

Experience the stunning landscapes of Lombardia on this thrilling road cycling route.


Embark on this 90-km road cycling adventure through Lombardia and be captivated by the breathtaking scenery along the way. This route offers a mix of challenging climbs, rewarding descents, and charming towns to explore. Throughout the ride, you'll be treated to panoramic views of mountains, lush green valleys, and crystal-clear lakes, making it a truly unforgettable journey for any cycling enthusiast.

90 km
1517 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Cenate Sopra Village center
Cenate Sopra: Embrace the tranquility and scenic beauty of Cenate Sopra, an idyllic cycling destination.
Cenate Sopra, nestled in Lombardia, Italy, is a pleasant locality for road and gravel cyclists. The area offers well-paved roads and gentle slopes, making it suitable for riders of all skill levels. Cyclists can relish the enchanting views of verdant hills and serene valleys. Notably, the nearby climb to Monte Canto is a popular choice for cyclists seeking a challenging ascent. Cenate Sopra also provides ample opportunities for gastronomic delights and cultural exploration.
Il Dosso464 mPeak
Located only 2 km into the route, Il Dosso offers a short but exhilarating climb that will get your adrenaline pumping.
At the 11 km mark, you'll reach Albino, a picturesque town known for its medieval architecture and charming streets.
Casnigo, found at the 20 km mark, is a hidden gem with its beautiful churches and traditional Italian atmosphere.
Colle Petta635 mPeak
Colle Petta, located 21 km into the route, provides a challenging climb and rewards you with stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.
Villa d'OgnaVillage
Villa d'Ogna, at the 33 km mark, is a must-visit due to its historical significance and well-preserved architectural heritage.
Monte Parè1642 mPeak
Prepare yourself for the 42 km mark, where the ascent towards Monte Parè begins, showcasing some of the most awe-inspiring natural beauty in Lombardia.
Monte Nè844 mPeak
As you reach the 50 km mark, Monte Nè awaits, offering a challenging climb but rewarding you with breathtaking panoramic views at the top.
Clusone, found at the 53 km mark, invites you to explore its rich history and admire its majestic clock tower.
Corno Mailino854 mPeak
Prepare yourself for an exhilarating descent as you reach Corno Mailino at the 61 km mark.
Spinone al LagoVillage
At the 77 km mark, make sure to visit Spinone al Lago, a quaint lakeside town that offers stunning views and a serene atmosphere.
Finish: Cenate Sopra Village center
Cenate Sopra: Embrace the tranquility and scenic beauty of Cenate Sopra, an idyllic cycling destination.

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